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词汇 majority
例句 The mayor was quick to point out that the racist group did not represent a majority view in the community.市长立即指出,种族主义群体并不代表社会上多数人的意见。Government by majority rule can be a threat to minority rights.多数派执政会危及少数派的权利。He persuaded a narrow majority of the party to support the government.他说服了该党派中的微弱多数,让他们支持政府。The Republicans increased their share of the vote, but still fell short of a majority.共和党票数增加了,但仍达不到多数。So far, majority public opinion is solidly behind the government.迄今为止,大部分民意还是坚决地支持政府。If the proposed piece of legislation fails to get the requisite two-thirds majority in Parliament, it cannot become law.如果所提议的法规在议会中没有得到规定的三分之二多数人的同意,就不能成为法律。Alex Golding held a majority shareholding in Golding plc.亚历克斯·戈尔丁在戈尔丁公共有限公司持有多数股份。The great majority of accidents in the Alps occur while climbers are coming down.阿尔卑斯山上的绝大部分意外事故都发生在登山者下山时。He was elected with a thumping majority.他以获得绝大多数选票而当选。A person reaches his majority at the age of 21.一个人二十一岁达到法定成年。Chairman Robert Eaton said he has the backing of the vast majority of the company's major shareholders.董事会主席罗伯特·伊顿说,他得到了公司绝大多数大股东的支持。In this city, Muslims are in the majority.在这个城市里穆斯林占多数。Although they are the biggest single party, they don't have an outright majority.尽管他们的政党拥有最多议席,但他们并未赢得绝对多数票。English speakers form the majority of the population.讲英语的人占总人口的大多数。The majority have a built-in Luddite mentality; they are resistant to change.大部分人天生有种反对技术进步的心理。他们抗拒变革。The majority of people still do not believe we should arm our police force.大部分人仍然不认为我们应当为警察配备武器。The bill is expected to pass its second reading with a comfortable majority.预计这项法案将以绝大多数赞成而通过议会第二次宣读。Such a solution would be quite unacceptable to the majority of people.这种解决方法大多数人都很难接受。The majority of union members voted against further industrial action.工会大多数成员都投票反对进一步的工业行动。In the vast majority of cases, customers get their money back.在绝大多数情况下,顾客都获得退款。In the vast majority of cases the disease is fatal.这种疾病绝大多数病例都是致命的。The vast majority of nations have agreed to unite their efforts to bring peace.绝大多数国家都同意团结起来为实现和平而努力。Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with.不论大多数人的决定是什么,我都准备服从。The government is still a majority shareholder in the industry.政府仍是这个行业的大股东。Would you say that his views were representative of the majority of French voters?你认为他的观点代表了大多数的法国选民吗?The majority of stalls charged a fair price.多数摊位收费公道。Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.警方的报告显示,绝大部分的青少年犯罪都是由逃学者所为。He was totally unresponsive to the pressing social and economic needs of the majority of the population.他对大多数人迫切的社会和经济需求漠不关心。Why is it that women buy the majority of pop psychology, self-help manuals?为什么大多数的通俗心理学的自助手册都是女性购买的?Once you reach your majority, you may do what you damned well please.你一旦成年,就可以我行我素。The will of the majority has been forcibly imposed on the minority.多数派的意志已经强加给了少数派。She has a majority, albeit a reduced one.她拥有多数票,尽管相较过去有所减少。The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway.大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕。No one can dispute the fact that men still hold the majority of public offices.没人能质疑这一事实:男人仍占据着大多数公共职位。The majority of people realize the importance of limiting population growth.大多数人认识到限制人口增长的重要性。A majority of workers now take part in cultural pursuits.现在多数工人参加文化活动。The majority of Filipino dishes are of Spanish derivation.大多数菲律宾菜源于西班牙。The coalition won a majority of the vote but failed to win enough of the key marginals.该政党联盟赢得了绝大多数选票,但却未赢得足够多的关键边缘席位的选票。The rules say that we need a two-thirds majority to win.章程规定我们需要三分之二的多数才算获胜。They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.他们被救国阵线以多数票否决后,退席以示抗议。




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