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词汇 Major
例句 Major Winston galloped into the distance.温斯顿少校策马疾驰而去。The Sergeant-Major, his face as red as a turkey-cock, was abusing the squad.那个满脸涨得通红的军士长正在怒气冲冲地责骂全班士兵。The policy document was produced at the behest of John Major and other world leaders.这份政策文件是在约翰·梅杰和其他国家领导人的授意下拟定的。John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords.约翰·梅杰不会在上议院安插亲信。Having spent his rich wife's fortune, the Major ended up in a debtors' prison.花光了他有钱老婆的财产之后,这位少校最后被关进了债务人监狱。Major engineering challenges will be faced during construction.建设过程将面临重大的工程问题。Major Winters/Richard Winters理查德·温特斯少校Major redesigns come once a decade.每十年都有一次大规模的重新设计。Major roadworks ahead.前方道路大施工。The wary Major thought that all things were for the best.老谋深算的少校认为一切都在好转。Surprisingly, Major came to the defence of his old enemy.令人吃惊的是,梅杰竟为他的老敌手辩护。Jackie Robinson overcame racial prejudice to become the first black baseball player in the Major leagues.杰基·罗宾逊战胜了种族偏见,成为职业棒球大联盟里第一位黑人选手。Major developments are in prospect for the company.公司可望有大的发展。He saw the Major's face a few inches from his own.他看见少校的脸离他自己的只有几英寸。Major questions remain to be answered about his work.关于他工作的许多重要问题仍然悬而未决。Major banks are suffering losses as a result of having lent too much money to companies who cannot repay their debts.由于将太多资金借给了那些无力偿还债务的公司,各大银行正在蒙受损失。Major economic changes have occurred recently.最近发生了一些重大经济变化。Major spending is required to bring about substantial improvements in housing.需要较大花费才能使住房有实质性的改善。Fans support the designated player rule because Major League Soccer clubs need to attract world class players. 球迷对指定球员规则表示支持,因为美国职业足球大联盟需要吸引世界级球员。Major repainting work now needs to be signed off by a qualified engineer.现在重要的重新油漆工作需要有资质的工程师签字认可。The constellation Ursa Major contains the stars of the Big Dipper.大熊星座包括北斗七星。Major has a good defence and believes he will win the case.梅杰的辩词很有说服力,他相信能够打赢这场官司。Major retailers are cutting prices across the board.主要零售商正在全面降价。Major changes are taking place in society.社会正发生着重大变革。Major wildfires have destroyed thousands of acres in Idaho.大规模的野火烧毁了爱达荷州几千英亩的土地。Major earthquakes like this occur very rarely.像这样的大地震极少发生。Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic, and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.在威尼斯实地考察了重要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画及建筑作品。She's asking for trouble, flaunting herself like that. Did you see the way Major Winston was looking at her?她那么招摇,真是在自找麻烦。看到温斯顿少校看她的样子了吗?Ronnie woke up when he felt Major, the family dog, licking at his hand.龙尼醒来发现家里的狗梅杰正在舔他的手。John Major has reached the pinnacle of British politics.约翰·梅杰已攀上了英国政界的顶峰。Major elements of these debates are discussed more fully later in this book.这些争论的主要内容将在本书后面的章节中更为充分地加以讨论。There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return.将少校即将返回的消息告知朱利安·卡文迪什是有绝对充足的理由的。Most people felt Mr Major fought a pretty mealy-mouthed campaign in which radical ideas were either dropped or blunted.大多数人认为此场选战梅杰先生态度颇为暧昧,激进的观点不是避而不谈,就是变得中庸了。Major sporting events have become hostages to the big television networks.主要的体育盛会已受到这些大型电视网的限制。Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.重要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画和建筑作品都在威尼斯原地得到了仔细检查。The Major smiled smugly and sat down.少校洋洋得意地笑着坐了下来。Major-league baseball will begin penalizing players for steroid use next season.美国职业棒球大联盟将于下一赛季开始对服用类固醇的运动员实施处罚。I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn, Major Karr.如果我说了不该说的话,我很抱歉,卡尔少校。This had been a disastrous week for Prime Minister Major.这对于梅杰首相来说是灾难性的一周。Jack spoke fondly of the Major.杰克满怀深情地说起了少校。




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