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词汇 mails
例句 Raju is chary of publicity, shunning phone calls and e-mails.拉朱羞于抛头露面,对电话和电子邮件都刻意回避。She usually e-mails me a question before she calls so I can ponder it in advance.通常她打电话前先给我发一封电子邮件提个问题,这样我就可以提前思考一番了。They sent millions of unsolicited commercial e-mails.他们主动发送了数百万封商务电子邮件。Sending bulk mails is entitled to some discount.大宗邮件的寄送可以得到优惠。The e-mails exist and say what they are purported to say.那些电子邮件确有其事,而且内容和传闻里其所说的内容一样。He was charged with using the mails to commit fraud.他被指控利用邮政进行诈骗。The plane crashed and the mails were lost.飞机坠毁,邮件均已失落。She rarely capitalizes her name when she signs her e-mails.她在电子邮件署名时很少将她名字的首字母大写。He was caught bang to rights by intimate e-mails.他被当场逮到发送暧昧电子邮件。He quickly acknowledges all of my e-mails when he receives them.他收到我的电子邮件后,都会很快确认收悉。You have two new voice mails.你有两条新的语音留言。I use it to send E-mails and get information.我用它发邮件,获取信息。A large part of the work is responding to e-mails.这个工作的大部分内容是回复电子邮件。E-mails from listeners poured in complaining about the way the story was handled.听众纷纷发来电子邮件,对故事的处理方式表示不满。He was appointed to take charge of the mails.他被委派管理邮政。We send e-mails through cyberspace.我们通过网络空间发送电子邮件。




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