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词汇 magnified
例句 Their health problems have been magnified by unsanitary living conditions.不卫生的生活环境加剧了他们的健康问题。The newspaper magnified him.这份报纸赞扬了他。At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.在设菲尔德体育馆,演讲者在一个巨大的屏幕上被放大了十倍。His failures have been magnified by the success of his friends.他的屡次失败因朋友们的成功更加突显。Their problems are magnified by poverty.他们的问题因贫穷而加剧了。The success of the novel has magnified public interest tremendously.小说的成功极大地激起了公众的兴趣。The results of economic mismanagement were magnified by a series of natural disasters.经济管理不善造成的后果被一连串的自然灾害放大了。Her successful handling of the crisis has magnified her chances to win reelection.她对危机的成功处理增加了她竞选连任获胜的机会。Any signs of discontent tend to be magnified and overanalyzed.稍有不满便会被上纲上线。His glasses magnified his irritable glare.他那怒不可遏的眼神在眼镜片下显得愈发逼人。The sound was magnified by the calm air.平静的空气使声音更响亮。The image is magnified by a series of lenses within the telescope.图像是通过望远镜内一系列的透镜放大的。Our fear and confusion only magnified the problem.我们的恐惧和困惑只是增加了问题的难度。Their noises were magnified in the still, wet air.他们的喧闹声在凝滞而潮湿的空气中显得更吵了。The daring of his exploits had been greatly magnified by constant telling.他的英勇事迹几经传颂已被极度夸大了。Thick spectacles magnified his eyes.厚厚的眼镜把他的眼睛放大了。The hot summer magnified the racial tensions in the community.炎热的夏日加深了社区的种族矛盾。Although our skin looks smooth, when magnified it is full of bumps and holes.我们的皮肤看上去很光滑,但放大后看却是坑坑洼洼的。




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