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词汇 magistrate
例句 She was given a caution by the magistrate.地方法官给了她一个警告。He was up before the magistrate for being drunk while driving a car.他因酒醉驾车而被法庭传讯。A magistrate ordered that they return to the UK.地方治安法官判令他们返回英国。He had to appear before the magistrate.他必须出庭接受地方法官的审判。A city magistrate ruled that the novel was obscene and copies should be destroyed.一位市执法官裁定该小说为色情作品,应当全数销毁。The magistrate set a mere token recognizance on the prisoner.地方治安承审员准许被拘留人缴纳一笔纯属象征性的保证金后开释。The magistrate sat there, stern and erect, as the charge was read out.宣读起诉书的时候,地方法官表情严肃,笔直地坐在那里。A magistrate may issue a warrant authorizing an authorized officer to enter and search the premises.裁判司则可发出令状,授权获授权人员进入及搜查该楼宇。The magistrate had to write all the evidence down in longhand.执法官不得不亲笔记下所有证言。Complaints snowed on the county magistrate.意见雪片似地向县长投来。The crown court upheld the magistrate's decision.刑事法院维持了治安法官的判决。The President is the chief magistrate of the United States.总统是美国的最高行政官。The magistrate's court has a dual function: to try minor cases and consider whether in more serious cases there is enough evidence for a trial to take place.地方治安法庭具有双重职能:审理罪行较轻的案件,以及斟酌较为严重的案件是否有足够的证据进行审讯。A local magistrate has been asked to arbitrate between farmers and conservationist groups.一位地方法官被请去在农民和环保组织之间进行仲裁。He was wanted for the murder of a magistrate.他因谋杀一名地方法官而被通缉。The magistrate ruled that there wasn't enough evidence.地方治安法官裁定证据不足。The magistrate committed him to stand trial at the Bristol Crown Court.地方法官传唤他到布里斯托尔刑事法庭受审。The crown court, however, upheld the magistrate's decision.然而,最高法院维持了地方法院的判决。He laid his case before the magistrate.他向地方法官提交了他的案件。The thief was brought before the magistrate.窃贼被带到地方法官前受审。Campbell was hauled up in front of the magistrate.坎贝尔被传讯到地方法院出庭。The prisoner was called up before a magistrate.囚犯被地方执法官传唤。They would simply hand her over to the magistrate as a thief.他们只会把她当成窃贼交给地方法官。He was brought up before a magistrate, charged with dangerous driving.他因为危险驾驶遭起诉,受到治安法官的传讯。




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