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As already mentioned, the legislation does not consider low pay as an acceptable reason for turning down a job.如上所述,这项法律不认为因报酬低而拒绝工作是可接受的理由。Undaunted by the low pay and lack of respect, she feels teaching is the most rewarding job she can do.她不管薪酬低、不受尊重,觉得教书是自己能做的最有回报的工作。The worst thing about being a nurse is the low pay.当护士最不好的就是报酬低。A work-to-rule is seen as a way to protest against low pay or bad working conditions.大多数的变相怠工都是对低工资或恶劣工作环境的抗议。There were fewer temporary engineers to plug in in that city because of low pay.由于报酬低,该城市雇用得到的临时工程师就更少了。The job has low pay and low prestige.这份工作待遇差,地位也低。I stepped out of academia into the world of hard work for low pay.我离开了学术界,开始从事收入低而又辛苦的工作。This job stinks: stupid boss, hard work, and low pay.这个工作差劲透顶:老板笨,工作苦,薪水又低。These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.这些研究结果提醒人们,失业率下降的另一面是低薪。His chief reason for resigning was the low pay.他辞职的主要原因是薪酬太低。When union bosses called a strike in protest over low pay, the response was overwhelming.工会领袖呼吁罢工抗议工资太低,得到了巨大的响应。A lot of people are put off becoming teachers by the long hours and the low pay.当教师工作时间长而且收入低,这就使不少人对这工作望而却步。Their main grievance was that they had not received their pitiably low pay.他们主要的抱怨是没有拿到那少得可怜的工资。These jobs are unattractive because of low pay and inadequate training.这些工作没有吸引力,因为报酬低,培训机会也不多。 |