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例句 I've penciled you in for the match on Sunday;tell me as soon as you know for certain if you can play.我暂定你星期六参加比赛,如果你肯定能参加,请尽快告诉我。I work in advertising, as you know.如你所知,我是做广告工作的。David, as you know, has not been well lately.你知道的,戴维近来身体不大好。He won the election, as you know. = As you know, he won the election.如你所知,他当选了。I'm not one to criticize other people, as you know.你知道,我这人从来不批评人。I'm no friend of socialism, as you know.你知道,我不支持社会主义。As long as you know roughly how to do it, that's fine.只要你大体上知道怎么做就行了。




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