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词汇 lovers
例句 The lovers strolled arm in arm by the river.恋人们臂挽着臂在河边遛达。The two lovers are a modern-day Romeo and Juliet.这对恋人就是现代版的罗密欧和朱丽叶。Two lovers were canoodling on a park bench.一对情侣正在公园的长凳上拥吻。The two lovers were locked in a clinch.那对恋人紧紧拥抱著。Jenny and I were lovers.我和詹尼曾经是情侣。The two lovers parted at dawn.两个恋人在黎明时分别。He and Liz became lovers soon after they first met.他和利兹认识后不久就成了情侣。The town is a popular destination for art lovers.这个镇是艺术爱好者喜欢去的地方。They were friends for many years before they became lovers.成为情侣之前,他们是多年的朋友。They had been lovers once, in a distant past.很久以前,他们曾是恋人。The film tells a beautiful story about two young lovers.影片讲述了一对年轻恋人间的美好故事。The lovers are united at the conclusion of the movie.电影结尾时这对情侣终成眷属。They are a nation of food lovers.他们是一个热爱美食的民族。The young lovers sat in the moonlight.年轻的情侣们坐在月光下。The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers.英国人喜欢把自己说成是一个爱狗的民族。Her lovers rarely match her wit and intelligence.她的情人们在聪明才智上很少能比得上她。A few nights later, they became lovers.几个晚上之后,他们成了情人。Mary expected complete devotion from her lovers.玛丽希望她的情人都能够全心全意地爱她。The young lovers necked on the park bench.这对年轻的恋人在公园长椅上亲热拥吻起来。Many music-lovers make pilgrimages to Mozart's birthplace.很多爱好音乐的人去访问莫扎特的出生地。Real dog lovers always have the dog's welfare at heart.真正爱狗的人心里总是时刻牵挂着狗的安康。This theatre was formed as private enterprise by theatre lovers.这座戏院是由戏剧爱好者组建的私有企业。Over her lifetime, Catherine had many lovers.凯瑟琳一生中有过许多情人。It is not uncommon for young lovers to cohabit nowadays.年轻的恋人同居在当今已是非常普遍的事情。The picture captures the two lovers with their arms entwined.这张照片拍摄到的是紧紧拥抱在一起的一对恋人。The lovers kissed passionately.这对情人热烈地接吻。The lovers' runaway caused their parents much pain.这对情侣的私奔给他们的父母带来了很多痛苦。The new store is an Eden for book lovers.这家新店是爱书人的天堂。The valley is a mecca for wine lovers.这个谷地是葡萄酒爱好者的向往之地。They're not so much lovers as friends.他们与其说是恋人,不如说是朋友。The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers.英国人喜欢把自己描述为爱狗的民族。In the play's denouement, the two lovers kill themselves.在戏剧的结尾,那对恋人双双自杀了。Kilpatrick claims that she and the congressman were once lovers.基尔帕特里克称,她和那位国会议员曾经是情人。These mountains are a playground for hikers, skiers, and nature lovers.这些大山是远足者、滑雪者和热爱大自然的人的乐园。The lustful aroma — a mix of chocolaty caramel and coconut — will have strangers and lovers swooning.混杂着巧克力焦糖和椰果的浓郁芳香会使陌生人和情侣们神魂颠倒。They sent their daughters on world trips to get them away from undesirable lovers.他们把女儿们打发去周游世界,以使她们与不中意的情人脱离。It was common for women to take lovers.那时女性交情人是很普遍的。She had the delicacy to move away to permit the lovers a moment of privacy.她知趣地走开,让那对情人能单独呆一会儿。The dance company has called on ballet-lovers everywhere for financial support.该舞蹈团已经呼吁各地芭蕾舞爱好者给予他们财政上的支持。They were friends before they became lovers.他们最初是朋友,后来成了情人。




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