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例句 We have received no answer from him as yet.我们迄今还没得到他的答复。The extract is taken from an as yet unpublished novel.这一段摘要摘的是一部还没有出版的小说的内容。The suspicion, as yet unproven in court, is that he may have withheld important information.有怀疑称他可能隐藏了重要信息,但这一点尚未获法庭证实。Adeal is still being worked out, but as yet nothing is finalized.协议尚在制定中,但迄今为止什么都还没最后定下来。It is a part of Britain as yet largely unaccustomed to tourists.英国的这一块地方大体上还不习惯接待游客。Nothing is known as yet about what transpired at the meeting.会上到底发生了什么现在还没人知道。We've had no word from Colin as yet.我们到现在为止也没得到科林的任何消息。No one, as yet, is suspicious.到目前为止,还没有人起疑心。We have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag.到此时为止,我们还没有碰上过什么障碍,也没有感觉到什么疲惫。No ambulances had as yet managed to get across the river.到目前为止还没有救护车顺利过河。The story is as yet unscreened.这个故事迄今尚未拍摄成电影。Writing had not been invented as yet.书写体系当时还没有创造出来。The feature, as yet untitled, will include interviews plus live footage.这部尚未定名的故事片会看到采访画面和现场表演片段。The new frontier has as yet no fences, trenches or barbed wire.新的边界迄今还没有栅栏、壕沟或铁丝网。The Texan singer will be supported by two other bands, as yet unannounced.这位得克萨斯歌手将由另外两支乐队伴奏,但还没公布是哪两支乐队。She is as yet undecided about her career.她还没有想好未来从事什么职业。Police stated that there have been no arrests made as yet.警方说迄今为止还没逮捕任何人。Her solo album, as yet untitled, will be out next year.她的独唱专辑,目前尚未命名,将于明年出版。We have not as yet received a response.我们还未收到回复。I have received no compensation as yet.我迄今未获任何赔偿。Dorset is as yet unspoilt by coachloads of tourists.多塞特还未遭到乘大巴而来的大批游客的破坏。The full-length feature, as yet untitled, will include interviews plus footage of their live gigs.这部尚未定名的正规长度影片将包括对他们的采访和他们现场表演的片段。There is no definitive test as yet for the condition.对这种病目前还没有决定性的检测手段。We haven't needed extra staff as yet, but we may in the future.到目前为止,我们尚不需要增加员工,但将来也许会需要。There's no news as yet.至今仍没有消息。The project is only in its initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising.该项目前才刚起步,但看起来很有前途。The new stadium is as yet unready for use.新的露天运动场至今还不能使用。The spy ring had a fifth member as yet still undetected.这个间谍团伙还有第五名成员尚未被查出。They have been able to collect some data, but as yet nothing really conclusive.他们已经收集到一些数据,但还没有什么真正有说服力的东西。I haven't read much into it as yet. I've only just scanned through it.我还没有细细研读,只是粗略地翻看了一下。He has not as yet heard the result. = As yet he has not heard the result. 他尚未听到结果。She was unsure as yet whether he was friend or foe.她还不确定他究竟是敌是友。The tabloids don't have any hard evidence as yet but they're playing it up.这些小报并没有得到任何确凿的证据,但他们却在大肆渲染。This report is being used as yet another stick to beat nurses with.这份报告正在被用作责罚护士的又一个凭据。The world is as yet too young in science for that.迄今为止,世界科学对那个问题还太无知。Her musical style is as yet too unformed to hold the attention for long.她的音乐风格尚不成熟,无法长时间抓住听众的注意力。Here are my calculations. They're a little rough and ready as yet, but you'll get a general idea.这是我的计算结果,虽然目前还有点粗略,但你可以大概了解一下。




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