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词汇 loser
例句 Oh, give him the push - he's a loser.唉,把他甩了吧,他就是个衰鬼。War would redound on the winner's head just as cruelly as on the loser's.战争反过来给胜利者造成和失败者同样惨重的打击。It's a vote-loser for us.这有可能害我们丢选票。The loser of the bet has to buy drinks for the winner.打赌输掉的一方要给赢家买饮料。She was determined to show the world that she was no loser.她决心向世人表明她绝不是失败者。You are a very bad loser Lou, aren't you?卢,你这人输不起,不是吗?They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.他们只被教过要和其他男人一较高下,所以一个成功的女人会令他们觉得特别失败。You're a loser, Bill.比尔,你真差劲。Unfortunately, Lamarck has developed an undeserved reputation as a loser.拉马克不幸得了一个失败者的名声,真是冤枉。It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。The movie company thought they'd backed a loser until the film won an Oscar.在该影片获得奥斯卡奖之前,电影公司以为他们支持错了对象。Don't be a sore loser.别做个输不起的人。He refuted the election returns which showed him the loser.他不承认表明自己落选的选票统计数字是正确的。The election was very close and the loser demanded a recount.选票数很接近,败选者要求重新计票。The loser's scorn for the award is pure sour grape.失败者对奖品的轻视纯粹是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。I'm sure the prime minister will turn out to be a good loser.我确信首相会是个输得起的人。I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser.我在公车站拾到一个钱包后,便设法寻找失主。He's a loser in the game of love. 他是爱情游戏中的失败者。Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the real loser will be the American taxpayer.无论谁从政府的新计划中获益,真正吃亏的都将是美国的纳税人。He was a born loser.他是个天生的失败者。That magazine was a loser to TV and rising postal rates.那家杂志斗不过电视业和不断上涨的邮费。She made me feel like a complete loser.她让我觉得自己像个彻底的失败者。That guy is a born loser.那家伙天生倒霉。The loser will be out of the tournament.败者将被淘汰出局。He was the hard-luck loser of last night's match.他是昨晚比赛那个不走运的失败者。The project is still a money loser.那项目仍然是赔钱的。You're just a bad loser Phil, that's your problem.你是个输不起的人,菲尔,这是你的问题所在。The loser of the purse was told to come to the police and claim his property.失落钱包的那个人被通知去警察局认领。He may perceive himself a loser.他可能意识到自己已是个失败者了。The latest price increases mean that the real loser, as usual, is the consumer.与以往一样,最近这次涨价的真正受害者还是消费者。I don't know what she sees in that pasty-faced loser.我不知道她看中那个脸色苍白的失败者的哪一点。Our team was the loser by five points.我队以五分之差败北。He's a loser, a bird of ill omen, dangerous to be around.他是个失败者,也是个扫帚星,在他身边很危险。He looked like a sure loser at the beginning of the year.当年年初,他看上去就必输无疑。He's extremely competitive and a bad loser.他极好强,却又输不起。She was a loser in the first round of the tournament. 她在联赛第一轮中失利。




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