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词汇 Loosen
例句 Loosen the screw one complete turn in order to release the valve.把螺丝拧松整整一圈以松开阀门。Loosen any tight clothing, and lay the patient on his side.解开紧身的衣物,让病人侧着躺下。Loosen the girth a little.把马的肚带松一松。You're tight-mouthed. Loosen up!你嘴太紧了,讲出来吧!Loosen up a little, will you!请放松点儿!Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned.松一松插销,好转动门闩。Loosen all restrictive clothing.把箍在身上束手束脚的衣服都松一松。Loosen up, this isn't a formal occasion.随便一些,这不是正式场合。Loosen his clothes and give him a little brandy; that'll soon pull him round.把他衣服解开,再给他喝点白兰地,那样可以很快使他苏醒过来。




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