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We still have one more loose end to deal with before we're finished with the project.我们还差一个部分才完成整个项目。I felt rather at a loose end at the end of the term so I decided to take a trip to London.学期结束后,我觉得有点无聊,就决定去伦敦一游。If you find yourself at a loose end, you could always clean the bathroom.如果闲着没事,你总还可以去打扫一下浴室嘛。I was at a loose end so I decided to go see an old movie.我闲来无事,便决定去看一部老电影。Adolescents are most likely to get into trouble when they're at a loose end.青少年无所事事的时候最容易惹出麻烦来。She'd left school and was at a loose end, waiting for a hospital place to train as a nurse.她毕业后没事可做,一直在等着去医院培训做护士。If you are at a loose end this evening, do come and visit me.如果你今天晚上没事,务请来我这儿玩。Why don't you drop by one day if you're at a loose end.你要没事做的话何不哪天过来坐坐? |