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词汇 look through
例句 He looks through several newspapers before breakfast.他在早饭前总要浏览几份报纸。The policeman looked through the wallet compartments.警察查看了钱包的夹层。I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in.我透过窗户往里面看了看,但是并没有进去。He looked through the post without opening any of it.他飞快地翻了一下邮件,但一封也没有打开。I looked through the window.我透过窗子看。I'll look through these files and see if I can find a copy of my CV.我要好好翻一下这些档案,看看能否找到一份我的简历。The committee looked through his proposal before approving it.委员会审查了他的提议以后才通过了它。He looked through the door to make sure the children were all right.他从门口往里面看,确保孩子们都平安无事。His greed looked through his eyes.他的眼中露出了贪婪的目光。She looked through the old pictures with a dull ache in her heart.她一张张看这些老照片,心里感到隐隐作痛。I looked through the window of a studio to see about a dozen drummers all playing along.我透过录音室窗户看到一群鼓手在一同演奏。He looked through the available magazines, but found nothing of interest. 他浏览了手头上的几本杂志,但没发现什么有意思的东西。I looked through all his letters.我把他所有的信通通翻阅了一遍。The editor looked through the file, picking the best models out for the fashion shoot.编辑浏览了整个档案,为时装广告拍摄挑选出最好的模特儿。Nora looked through the mail.诺拉大致看了一下那封信。Together we looked through her father's photograph album.我们一起翻看着她父亲的相册。She looked through the door of the kitchen.她从厨房门口向里望。I had a brief look through the report before the meeting.开会前我扫了一眼报告。Could you look through this report when you have a spare moment?有空的时候你看看这个报告好吗?Troy looked through a hole in the fence at the garden next door.特洛伊从篱笆上的一个洞看隔壁的花园。To find out about her family history, she looked through the register of births, marriages, and deaths.为了了解自己的家族史,她查看了出生、婚姻以及死亡登记簿。He looked through his telescope at the approaching ship.他透过望远镜看著驶近的轮船。When you have finished your list, look through it again.你列出单子后,从头到尾再看一遍。I've looked through some catalogues.我已经浏览了一些目录。There's a crack in the fence big enough to look through.篱笆上的缝隙大得可以看到里面。I always looked through my work carefully before I handed it in.我在交作业前总要仔细看一遍。He looked through the tourist guide and picked out a few exhibitions to see while he was in town.他查看了旅游指南,选了几个展览,打算去城里时看。I always look through the peephole before I open the door for anyone.我开门前总是通过窥视孔看看是谁。He looked through shelf after shelf and finally picked on Alex Haley's Roots .他换个书架查找,最后选了一本亚历克斯哈利写的《根》。We looked through her old black-and-white photographs.我们翻阅了她的黑白老照片。I looked through my wallet for last month's wage slip.我在皮夹里翻找上个月的工资单。I've looked through all my papers but I still can't find the contract.我翻阅了所有文件,但依然没有找到那份合同。We have looked through the enemy's tricks.我们已识破了敌人的种种花招。He looked through his notes before the final examination.他期末考试前温习了自己的笔记。The programme looks through the mists of time to examine the lives of our earliest ancestors.这个节目透过时间的迷雾审视我们最早的祖先的生活。I looked through the keyhole.我通过锁眼向里看。She looked through the binoculars.她透过双筒望远镜来观察。How did she look through his trick?她是怎么识破他的把戏?He had looked through the house for the two Greeks.他匆匆扫了一眼房子,搜寻那两个希腊人。We looked through the scope at the moon.我们通过望远镜看月亮。




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