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词汇 looking at
例句 We're not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally.我们不仅想在英国取得成功,还想在国际上扬名立万。In looking at population ageing we will consider two distinct dimensions.我们将从两个截然不同的角度来看人口老龄化问题。He visited Florida a few years ago looking at the potential of the area to stage a big match.他几年前去过佛罗里达,考察在当地举办一场大型比赛的可能性。We have been looking at the shadowy world of the paranormal.我们一直在关注玄奇事物这一神秘世界。The company is looking at new ways to generate cash flow.公司正在考虑各种促进资金流转的新办法。We'll be looking at a broad range of important issues in this chapter.本章将讨论各个方面的重要问题。The chief executive said that the company was looking at a bleak future.总经理说公司前景黯淡。Gemma turned around and caught the stranger looking at her intently.杰玛转过身来,发现那个陌生人正紧盯着她看。Researchers are looking at how a mother's health can affect the baby in the womb.研究人员正在观察母亲的健康会对子宫中的胎儿产生何种影响。Don't get off the track, we're looking at this year's figures not last year's.别偏离正题,我们是在说今年的数字,而不是去年的。They started out by looking at the computer screens which display the images.他们开始在显示那些图像的电脑屏幕上寻找。We'll be looking at fatherhood issues from a personal perspective.我们将从个人角度审视身为人父的问题。If she now trots me out, they will all be looking at me.如果她现在让我出面,他们都会看着我的。He has a whole new way of looking at things now. 现在,他观察事物时有一种全新的方式。The woman sat looking at them without expression.那妇人毫无表情地坐着看他们。She noticed me looking at her and frowned slightly. Frowning became her.她注意到我在看她,就微微皱起了眉头,这一颦蹙她就更好看了。When I was looking at these photographs,my memory reached back to the good old days.望着这些照片,我回想起美好的往日。I'm out here looking at possibilities for clients of mine.我来这里为我的客户看看有没有发展前景。Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand.凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。We are looking at elevating homes that have been devastated by this flood.我们看着被洪水冲毁的漂浮着的房屋。She became conscious of Rudolph looking at her.她开始意识到鲁道夫正在看她。I could tell the book was not what I wanted by looking at the contents.看看目录我就知道这不是我想要的书。We are together in the way we're looking at this situation.我们对这一形势的看法是一致的。Read through the passage once before looking at the questions.把选篇从头到尾读一遍再看题目。A woman with a baby in a stroller was looking at clothes.一名妇女把婴儿放在婴儿车上推着看衣服。By looking at this model you can get a better idea of how the bridge will look.看这个模型,你可以更清楚了解该桥的样子。Both these ways of looking at the world are valid but utterly irreconcilable with each other.这两种看待世界的方法都合理可取,却全然不能相容。She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape.她站着,张大了嘴看着卡门。I've been looking at the cookery book. I like the way it is set out.我翻过那本烹饪书。我喜欢它的版式设计。We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.我们先研究了让私营企业投资铁路等大型项目的方式。The company is looking at the possibility of moving to a larger office.公司正在考虑是否可以搬到大一点的办公室去。In this exercise, a word is blanked out and you have to guess what it is by looking at the context.在这个练习中,有一个单词被抽去了,你必须根据上下文猜测这个单词是什么。She was looking at me across the room, and we made eye contact several times.她从房间的另一头看着我,我们有几次目光交汇。We've had three sets of prospective buyers looking at the house.已经有三批可能买我们房子的人来看过房子了。Just from looking at the clouds, I would say it's going to rain.就看看天上的云,我也认为会下雨。The committee is looking at alternatives to custody.委员会在考虑替代监禁的处罚。French Connection confirmed that its lawyers would be looking at the campaign in case there had been a breach of copyright.法式连结公司证实,其律师将会关注宣传活动,以免出现侵犯版权的行为。They are looking at ways of reducing the waste of natural resources.他们正在寻找减少自然资源浪费的方法。The others waited, looking at him expectantly.其他人都在等待,满怀期盼地看着他。She'll sit at the window for hours at a time, looking at the passing scene.她会在窗前一坐就是几个小时,观看眼前发生的一切。




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