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例句 He gazed at me with a dreamy look in his eyes.他神情恍惚地凝视着我。From the faraway look in her eyes you could tell something was on her mind.从她恍惚的眼神中你可看出她有心事。It's hard to visualize how these tiles will look in our bathroom.很难想象这些瓷砖铺在我们浴室里会是什么样子。There seem to be fountains wherever you look in this park.这座公园里你无论朝哪儿看,好像都有喷泉。Can you look in on the kids before you go to bed?你睡觉前能顺便看看孩子们吗?Donna looked in her rear-view mirror and saw with alarm that the Audi was still gaining on her.唐娜看了一眼后视镜,惊惶地发现那辆奥迪还在追她。Mr Flynn had a tired, ill look in his eyes.弗林先生的眼中显出倦意和病容。I looked in on Louisa. She was sleeping.我顺道去看了一下路易莎。她当时在睡觉。When he gets that angry look in his eyes, you know it means trouble. 当他眼中充满愤怒的目光时,你知道那就意味着要有麻烦了。There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere.她眼中时时流露出心不在焉的神情,思绪已飘至别处。The boy threw a frightened look in the direction of the house.男孩朝房子那边惊恐地看了一眼。She threw a savage look in my direction.她恶狠狠地朝我这边瞪了一眼。His heart was riven with sorrow as he saw how small Amanda looked in the bed.看到阿曼达躺在床上显得那么瘦小,他难过得心都碎了。Don't bother talking to her when she gets that faraway look in her eyes.当她露出那种迷离眼神的时候,就不必跟她讲话了。He developed that wise look in his eyes that makes you feel like conking him with a beer mug.他做出的那个狡黠眼神让你想用啤酒杯打他的头。The crazed look in his eyes frightened me.他眼中疯狂的神情把我吓坏了。Molly turned away and gazed off into space, a faraway look in her eyes.莫莉转过脸去茫然瞪视,眼神似已飘到了远方。There was a hurt look in her eyes.她的眼睛流露出一种委屈的神色。You want your hair to look in peak condition.你想让头发看上去处于最佳状态。The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.他那奇怪的眼神使我在考虑是否接受他的提议时谨慎起来。He looked in the bathroom to make sure that he was alone.他往浴室里看了看,确定就他一个人。The boy looked in awe upon the king.这男孩以敬畏的目光望着国王。He had a wild look in his eyes.他的眼睛里露出杀气。I had a furtive look in her bag when her back was turned.趁她转过身去,我偷偷往她包里看了看。The look in his eyes chilled me to the marrow. 他的眼神使我感到非常害怕。Lucille took a last look in the mirror.露西尔最后照了一下镜子。He looked in vain for the source of his unease.他试图找出自己焦虑不安的缘由,但徒劳无果。I'd like a totally different look in the kitchen - something brighter and more modern.我喜欢厨房看上去是完全另一个模样—更鲜亮、更现代的样子。There was a mutinous look in Rosie's eyes.罗西的眼里有一种反抗的神色。If you're not sure what to do, look in the rule book.如果你拿不准该做什么,就查阅规则手册。He looked in no shape to save a man's life.他看上去完全不像要去救人性命。He had a disengaged look in his eyes.他的目光中有一种不在意的神色。Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.球队下半场开局不利,看来格洛斯激励队员的技巧值得怀疑。She turned her head aside to look in my direction.她转头朝我这边看。She had a puzzled look in her eyes.她的眼中有一丝困惑。For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines.欲知最近的演出详情,请查询当地文娱活动预告杂志。The look in his eyes gave me the shivers. 他的眼神让我不寒而栗。I looked in her face for some response, but she just stared at me blankly.我盯着她的脸看,想知道她有何反应,但是她只是面无表情地盯着我。I looked in a lot of clothes shops but nothing really tickled my fancy.我逛了很多服装店,但没什么衣服让我中意。The look in her eyes made it clear what she meant.她的眼神清楚地表明了她的意思。




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