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词汇 look down
例句 Danny looked down at the stream bubbling through the trees nearby.丹尼朝下望去,只见溪水潺潺流过附近的树林。She looked down the road to see if anyone was coming.她顺着马路看过去,想看看是否有人来。The literary establishment generally looks down on artists.文学界一般说来看不起画家。Most of the people in the club are snobs who look down on people who attended public schools.俱乐部里的大部分人都是势利眼,他们看不起上公立学校的人。I looked down the list but couldn't see his name.我查看了名单,但没找到他的名字。He put his hand on the post behind her so that he had her fenced in and could look down on her.他把手放在她身后的柱子上,让她脱不了身,自己就可以低头看她了。Alexander looked down the hall, and went pale with fright. It was as if he had seen a ghost.亚历山大往走廊里看,吓得面如死灰,好像看见鬼似的。Marjorie looked down at the sleeping infant in her arms.玛乔丽低头看了看怀里熟睡的婴儿。The teacher looked down and saw a sea of smiling faces.老师向下看去,看到一张张微笑的脸庞。From the hill he looked down on the peaceful landscape.他站在山上眺望下面的宁静景色。He looks down upon this kind of work.他看不起这种工作。I look down on those who eat the bread of idleness.我看不起那些吃闲饭的人。Trying not to look down, Alan began to climb.艾伦开始往上爬,尽量不朝下看。The book is generally looked down upon by literary highbrows.自恃文学修养高的人一般都看不上这本书。He looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education.他看不起任何一个未受过大学教育的人。The house looks down on the river.这座房子俯瞰那条河。We stood on the bridge and looked down at the underpass.我们站在桥上俯瞰下穿通道。We looked down on the plain, but village there was none.俯视旷野,不见一座村庄。He looked down at row upon row of eager faces.他向下看见一排排表情热切的面孔。He was looked down upon by his contemporaries.他被他同时代的人瞧不起。He looked down at the floor, scuffing one shoe against the other.他低头看着地板,双脚相互蹭着走。It was frightening to look down from such a dizzying/great height.从这么高的地方往下看,吓死人了。Mr Garcia looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education.加西亚先生看不起没有受过大学教育的人。I gripped the rail and tried not to look down.我紧紧抓住栏杆,尽量不往下看。She stretched her neck to look down the stairs.她伸着脖子朝楼下看。Billy edged along the ledge, trying not to look down.比利在岩架上缓缓挪动,尽量不往下看。The pilot looked down at the sea far below.飞行员从高空俯视下面的大海。If you look down on the place from a height you can see the outline of the site.你如果从高处往下看,可以看见这个地方的全貌。I looked down at the seemingly endless expanse of green of the Serengeti Plain.我低头俯视塞伦盖蒂平原那看来宽广无垠的一片绿色。He looked down the barrel of the gun.他顺着枪管瞄去。He looked down at the ground.他的眼睛向下看着地面。She thinks they look down on her because she doesn't have a job.她觉得他们瞧不起她是因为她没有工作。We should spurn at the difficulties but not look down upon them.我们应该蔑视困难,但绝不应轻视它们。Hean looked down at Bauer in undisguised disgust.希恩低头看了看鲍尔,毫不掩饰自己的厌恶。She always feels a bit funny if she looks down from a height.她从高处往下看,总觉得有点不舒服。The family was looked down on for being different.这家人与众不同,因此被人看不起。He looks down his nose at anyone foreign.他看不起外国人。When I finally reached the top I was afraid to look down.当我终于到达顶部时,都不敢往下看。I wasn't successful, so they looked down on me.我一无所成,所以他们瞧不起我。He looked down at the gaping void at his feet.他看著脚下张开的裂缝。




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