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例句 The government's review of election law will look at the manipulation of rules by extremist parties.政府对选举法的审查将关注极端主义政党对规则的操纵。The twins looked at each other and smiled.这对双胞胎相视而笑。Don't hide your face, look at my eyes.别转过脸,看着我的眼睛。Take a hard look at the cold facts before cutting defence spending.在削减国防开支之前,请仔细审视一下严酷的现实。Let's turn the whole idea around and look at it from another angle.让我们换个角度来考虑这个观点。Planting his case on the table,he looked at us expectantly.他把箱子稳稳地放在桌上,以希冀的神情望着我们。However you look at it, it was a wicked thing to do.不管你怎么看待这件事情,它都是一件缺德的事。I looked at the ground, shuffled my feet and mumbled something.我盯着地面,脚动来动去,嘴里咕哝着。Every time he looks at me my heart skips a beat.他每看我一眼,我的心里就一紧。He looked at her with undisguised admiration and respect.他以不加掩饰的倾慕和敬意看着她。He loves to people watch. Sometimes he'll sit in a tea-house and look at the people going by for hours.他喜欢观察人,有时他坐在茶馆里一连几小时看人来人往。Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.英国对其欧盟伙伴显然存在着根深蒂固的不信任,我们的记者就人们对此的反应进行了报道。A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine.二手汽车交易商总是关注车身而非引擎。Eventually I felt strong enough to look at him.最后我才鼓起勇气向他看去。Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears.迈克尔恳求地看着他,眼里饱含泪水。He looked at me with a very peculiar expression.他用一种奇特的眼神看著我。They would log into their account and take a look at prices and decide what they'd like to do.他们会登入自己的账户,查看价格后再决定怎么做。People craned back to look at him.人们伸长了脖子回头朝他看。There was a vast expanse of totally empty sky to look at.可以看到万里晴空。Take a good look at the photograph and see if you recognize anyone好好看看这张照片,看你能认出谁来。Nobody wants to look at the ugliness.谁也不想看这丑陋的东西。Zoe looked at me with a blank expression.佐伊看着我,表情木然。He stepped back and chanced a look at Martha.他往后退并冒险看了马莎一眼。We need to look at these proposed changes with a critical eye before we accept them.对于提出的这些变革方案,我们需经审慎的验证方能接受。He looked at me with unbelieving eyes.他用怀疑的目光看着我。If a mole has changed you should get it looked at.如果黑痣发生变化,你应该请医生看一看。When he looked at the two brothers, the dissimilarity was marked.当他看着这两兄弟时,差别是显而易见的。She looked at the blue dome of the sky.她看著蓝色的苍穹。Jeepers, just look at the time! I'm going to be late!哎呀,看看都几点了!我要晚了!I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route.我看地图帮助自己回忆这条路线。Gabby looked at him with a mischievous grin.加比一脸坏笑地看着他。His eyes were always so vague when he looked at her.他看她的眼神总是那么暧昧。She looked at the room with an analytical eye and saw where the changes were made.她挑剔地打量着房间,看看哪些地方有了变化。We just looked at each other and burst out laughing.我们就互相看着,一下子笑了出来。She looked at him with melting eyes.她充满爱怜地注视着他。She looked at me with a sneer of disgust.她带着厌恶鄙夷的冷笑看着我。The fighting has been going on for years. But to really understand the current situation, you have to look at the history of the region.战争已经持续多年,但要想真正了解当前的形势,你还得看一看这个地区的历史。He looked at Matilda's implacable face.他注视着玛蒂尔达那无法平静的脸庞。The movie is a sardonic look at modern life.这部电影是对现代生活的嘲讽。The photos were passed round for each of them to have a look at.那些照片在他们之间传来传去,每个人都看了一遍。




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