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词汇 Long
例句 Long dark hair tumbled down her back.乌黑的长发垂落在她的背上。Long story short, I got fired.长话短说,我被解雇了。Long-term forecasts were largely a matter of guesswork.远期预测在很大程度上是一种猜测。Well hello there! Long time no see!嗨,你好!好久不见了!In summer I like to go sailing in Long Island.在夏天,我喜欢去长岛航海。Long-term planning after the war laid the foundations for the nation's steady economic growth.战后的长期规划为该国经济稳定发展打下基础。Mr. Long was now cutting himself a piece of the pink cake.朗先生正在给自己切一块粉色蛋糕。Long queues at tills make customers angry.收银机前排起的长队令顾客恼火。Long delays are predicted on the motorway because of the accident.由于这起事故,预计在高速公路上会出现长时间的交通延误。Long essays, nay, whole books have been written on this.许多长篇大论的文章,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的。Long-term prospects for the economy have improved.长远的经济前景已有所改善。She cycled up the street and turned into Long Road.她沿街向前骑去,拐进了朗路。Long may she reign.愿她江山永固。Long-term unemployment can be devastating.长期失业对人的打击很大。Long delays are expected on the motorways.高速公路上估计会有长时间的耽搁。Long trailing flexes are a serious trip hazard.长长的拖线很容易绊倒人。Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my imagination.早在我真正踏足之前很久,非洲就已在我的脑海中活灵活现了。Long-term investing is risky, and careful planning is imperative.长期投资风险很大,谨慎计划至关重要。So how long did you live on Long Island?那么你在长岛住了多久?Long skirts hide a multitude of sins.长裙可以遮丑。The cities of Long Beach and Los Angeles are completely separate.长滩和洛杉矶完全是不相邻的。Long-term stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash deposits.股票市场长期投资的收益比现金存款要高。Long grass is important for wildlife.长长的草对野生动物很重要。Long delays in obtaining passports and visas often occur.经过长时间的耽搁才拿到护照和签证的事经常发生。Long-distance truck drivers often use CB radio to talk to each other.长途卡车司机常常用民用波段无线电相互交谈。Long tweed skirts were the dernier cri in fashion.长款斜纹软呢半身裙是当时最时髦的样式。Tune in to the Breakfast Show tomorrow to win VIP tickets to the Lollapalooza festival on Long Island.请收听明天的《早晨节目》,赢取长岛乐乐扎音乐节的贵宾票。Long-haul flights can seriously disrupt your biological clock.长途飞行可能会严重扰乱你的生物钟。Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off.诸如拓宽苏伊士运河等长期束之高阁的计划正被重新采用。Long-distance runners are usually at their peak in their mid-30s.长跑运动员通常在三十五岁左右到达巅峰时期。Montauk Point is at the eastern tip of Long Island.蒙托克角位于长岛的东端。Long skirts are now the height of fashion. 时下长裙正引领时尚。Long silences make her uncomfortable.长时间的沉默让她很不舒服。Long flights hold no attraction for me.长途飞行对我来说没有吸引力。Long red hair framed her smiling face.长长的红发勾勒出她的笑脸。Long illness caused debility in him.久病不愈使他虚弱。Long skirts were then the mode.长裙当时很时兴。They planned to paraglide from Long Mountain.他们计划从长山滑翔而下。Long picked up a great ball from Campbell and rounded the keeper to score.朗接坎贝尔一记妙传,绕过守门员进球。Long may the Queen reign! 愿女王陛下福荫永存!




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