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词汇 Living
例句 Living alone has been a good experience for her.一个人单独生活对于她是一种很好的体验。Living alone and trying to bring up a small daughter is no easy task.独自生活还要抚养一个小女儿并非易事。Living on your own is a whole different story from living with your parents.独立生活与和父母住在一起完全是两码事。Living with my parents is doing my head in.和父母住在一起让我很沮丧。Living in another country can be a real eye-opener.在外国生活确实可以令人大开眼界。Living on my own has never bothered me.独自生活从来没有让我感到担心。Living conditions in the city ameliorated with smoke control.城市居住条件通过控制烟雾而得到改善。Living in the city has taught me to appreciate the differences between people.居住在城市使我意识到要重视人与人之间的不同之处。Living so near the airport, they've grown accustomed to the sound of planes overhead.他们住得离机场那么近,已经习惯了头顶上飞机的声音。Living in a society where men's violence is naturalized and normalized means that the fear of men's potential violence may be real to young people.对年轻人而言,生活在一个男性暴力自然化和正常化的社会里,意味着对男性潜在暴力威胁的恐惧是真实的。Living conditions in the refugee camps were atrocious.难民营中的生活条件极为恶劣。I prefer having my own house. Living in a rented flat really isn't the same.我更喜欢有自己的住房。住在租来的套间里感觉其实是不一样的。Living under a tyranny deadens your moral sense.活在暴政下,人的道德感会淡漠。Living together before you marry is no guarantee of future happiness.婚前同居不能保证将来的幸福。Living conditions for most of the citizens are very bad.大多数市民的生活条件很差。Living in a foreign country can mean you're always at sea about what's going on.生活在异国他乡可能意味着你对周围的事总是茫然不知。Living together didn't harm our friendship. If anything it strengthened it.在一起住并没有伤害我们的友谊。要说真有什么的话,它反而巩固了我们的友谊。Living in a large house has its drawbacks as well as its advantages.住大房子有它的好处,也有它的不利之处。Living in a small town was suffocating Mona.小镇的生活令莫娜感到压抑。Living in space is not an impossible dream.在外太空居住不是不可能实现的梦想。Living in Bootham these days can be depressing.如今住在布萨姆会让人心情抑郁。Living with him, she is constantly on a knife-edge.和他生活使她一直处于焦虑之中。Living cells generate energy from food.活细胞用食物制造能量。Living standards have improved over the last century.在过去一百年里生活水平提高了。Living away from home has given him renewed self-confidence.离家独立生活使他重新获得了自信。Living on the commune turned out to be a surreal experience.住在群居社区是一种离奇的经历。Living on a pension isn't easy you know. You really have to scrimp and save.仅靠养老金日子可不好过。你真的要省着点,存点钱。Living with the minorities, he took on their dress and manners.与少数民族生活在一起,他在服装和举止行动方面都同化了。Living conditions in the slums were execrable.贫民窟的生活环境十分恶劣。Living in warmer climates has many built-in advantages.生活在比较温暖的气候里有许多固有的好处。Living in a camper for a weekend does not qualify as outdoor camping.在野营车里度过一个周末不能算是真正的户外野营。Living in a high-crime area can create a siege mentality.生活在犯罪高发地区会产生一种受围心态。Living with the disease can be a hell on earth.得了这种病如同进了人间地狱。Living that lie nearly destroyed us.活在那个谎言之中几乎毁掉了我们自己。Living in a divided city crammed with foreign soldiers is not a matter we joke about.住在一个已经四分五裂而且到处是外国士兵的城市里,不是一件开玩笑的事。Living in a warzone, the children knew the meaning of fear.生活在战区,孩子们知道什么叫恐惧。Living conditions have bettered a great deal.生活条件已大有改善。Living without war is a fundamental freedom.在没有战争的情况下生活是最基本的自由。Living so far north, they're used to the very cold winters.他们住得这样偏北,已经习惯严寒的冬天了。Living standards rose dramatically in the postwar period.人们战后的生活水平有了大幅度的提高。




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