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词汇 limply
例句 Her hair hung limply around her shoulders.她的头发蓬松地垂在肩头。Let your arms hang limply at your sides.双臂轻轻地垂于体侧。Flags and bunting hung limply in the still, warm air.空气暖暖的,也没有风,旗帜和彩旗无精打采地垂着。Her hands fell limply to her sides.她双手无力地垂在身旁。Her hair hung loose/limply.她的头发松松地/柔柔地垂下来。He let his hand hang limply off the couch.他把一只手无力地搭在睡椅边。The white canvas sail hung limply against the mast.白色的布帆松垮地挂在桅杆上。His arms dropped limply to his sides.他的双臂无力地垂到了身体两侧。The flag hung limply from the mast.旗帜无精打采地贴在旗杆上。All she could do was sag limply in his arms.她能做的只有无力地倒在他怀里。His arms hung limply by his side.他的双臂软塌塌地耷拉在身旁。




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