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词汇 limp
例句 I picked up her wrist. It was limp and flaccid.我抓起她绵软无力的手腕。Her body suddenly went limp.她的身体突然变得软绵绵的。His arm hung limp at his side.他的一只胳膊无力地垂在身旁。He hit his head against a rock and went limp.他头撞在了石头上,身子一软。She walks with a limp owing to a childhood injury.因儿时受过伤,她走路一瘸一拐的。The accident had left him with a slight limp.这起事故后,他有一点儿跛脚。Rachel walks with a slight limp.雷切尔走路有点跛。A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.残留物会积聚在头发上,使头发看起来软塌塌的,而且毫无光泽。Hot weather in summer makes me feel limp.夏天的炎热气候使我感到倦怠乏力。He gave me a very limp handshake.他无力地和我握了下手。She wasn't impressed by his limp handshake.他软绵绵的握手没有给她留下印象。Josie walked with a slight limp.乔西走路有点跛。He appeared to pull a hamstring and had to limp off.他好像拉伤了腿筋,只好一瘸一拐地下了场。Her hair looked limp and lifeless.她的头发看起来软塌榻的,毫无生气。The company has somehow managed to limp along despite the bad economy.尽管经济不景气,公司还是想方设法维持着经营。He walks with a fairly pronounced limp.他走路时跛得相当明显。He had a pronounced limp.他明显有些跛。She made fun of him by mocking his limp.她模仿他一瘸一拐地走路来取笑他。He carried her limp body into the room and laid her on the bed.他把绵软无力的她抱进房间,放在床上。He carried her limp body into the room.他把绵软无力的她抱进房间。Helen's hat was limp and shapeless from the rain.海伦的帽子被雨淋得瘪塌塌不成样子。I suddenly went limp and collapsed on the floor.我突然身子发软,倒在了地板上。Her hair hung limp around her shoulders.她的头发蓬松地垂在肩头。A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.因手术后膝盖不能打弯,她走路一瘸一拐的。He was limp with fatigue.他筋疲力尽了。The shampoo promises to give limp hair lots of bounce.这种洗发水说是能使细软的头发富有弹性。He held the boy's small, limp body in his arms, and wept.他把男孩小小的、软绵绵的身体抱在怀里,然后哭了。The drizzle and stickiness had made Maria's satin bow limp.毛毛雨和湿热的空气使玛丽亚的缎子蝴蝶结耷拉了下来。Edward still walks with a perceptible limp.爱德华走路时还是看得出来跛的样子。Ever since childhood he has had a limp.他打小就有腿瘸的毛病。I injured my thigh and had to limp.我伤了大腿,只能一瘸一拐地走。Aaron sat limp in the chair, arms dangling, eyes closed.艾伦没精打采地坐在椅子上,胳膊下垂,双眼闭着。The eggplant was limp and oddly pale.那茄子软软的,颜色淡得很奇怪。She was told to reject applicants with limp handshakes.她被告知要回绝掉那些握手软弱无力的申请者。The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather.花儿在干热的天气里显得萎靡无力。We noticed that the dog was walking with a slight limp.我们发现那只狗走起路来有点跛。They gave me some limp excuses.他们给了我一些苍白的借口。He offered a limp hand to shake.他无力地与人握手。He had to limp off with a leg injury.他只能拖着伤腿一瘸一拐地走开了。He walked with a pronounced limp.他走路明显一瘸一拐的。




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