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词汇 limits
例句 They live within the city limits.他们住在市内。The economic affairs minister announced limits on petrol sales.经济部长宣布了对石油销售的限制。The level of toxic chemicals was within the prescribed limits.有毒化学制品的等级在规定的限度之内。He is a shrewd politician who knows the limits of the possible.他是一位做事非常有分寸的精明政客。Establish clear limits, but keep rules to a minimum.设定明确的限制,但规则数目应该尽量少。Heat levels rose beyond the recommended limits.热度超过了建议的限度。Certain areas have been declared off limits to servicemen.已经宣布一些地区军人不得出入。The department submitted a proposal for lower speed limits.该部门提交了一项降低速度限制的建议。This bar is off limits to all soldiers.这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内。The limits are specified in the regulations.规程对这些限制有详细说明。The industry was approaching the limits of expansion.该行业正在接近扩张的极限。After a week of talks, Britain and Iceland reached agreement on fishing limits.经过一星期的会谈,英国和冰岛就捕鱼的限制达成协议。Costs must be kept within reasonable limits.费用必须控制在合理的范围内。They ventured far beyond the limits of civilization.他们的冒险远远超出了文明的界限。We'll take care of all your expenses – within limits, of course.你的一切费用将由我们负责,当然,这是有限额的。These establishments are off limits to ordinary citizens.这些建筑禁止普通公民入内。Of course, we'd like to have as many children as possible attend, but there are limits.当然我们也希望有尽量多的孩子参加,但是人数有限制。Politicians have come up with many tricks to evade campaign spending limits.政客们想出许多计策,避开竞选经费的限制。Military bases are off limits to outsiders.军事基地禁止外人进入。The new law clamps limits on the amount of money candidates can spend on election campaigns.新法规就候选人用于选举活动的资金数额给予了限定。The law limits the size of clear-cuts.法律对皆伐区的面积有限制。The industry asked the Federal Communications Commission to waive a rule that limits the amount of power used to send a data transmission over a telephone line.该行业要求联邦通讯委员会取消限制电话线数据传输功率的规定。The children can do what they like, within limits.孩子们可以在规定范围内做自己喜欢的事。We want our employees to enjoy themselves, within certain limits.我们要让我们的员工过得愉快,但是要有一定的分寸。Where payments exceed these limits they become fully taxable.支付额超过这些限度就得全额纳税。I was almost at the limits of my patience.我的耐心几乎到了极限。Unlike most group discussions, nothing was off limits.话题没有限制,这和大多数小组讨论不一样。A significant number of drivers fail to keep to speed limits.有相当多的司机不遵守车速限制。Cream cleansers are totally off limits for oily skin.油性皮肤不能使用洁面霜。The temperature is within safe operating limits.温度处于安全操作范围之内。She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget.她不得不在相当紧张的预算范围内精打细算。The building is off limits to the public.该大楼不对民众开放。The teachers have the use of a john that is off-limits to students.教师有专用厕所,学生不得使用。There are strict time limits for making claims.索赔有严格的期限。The new law has its limits.新法律有其局限性。These proposals hope to reduce traffic and mandate lower speed limits.这些提议希望减少交通量并规定更低的时速限制。Her love for him was being tested to its limits.她对他的爱经受着极其严峻的考验。Our warranty clearly states the limits of our liability.我们的保修证书清楚地界定了我们的保修范围。In order to stay ahead financially, truckers tend to violate speed and weight limits.卡车司机为了在经济上多得好处常常超速和超载。 In newspaper articles she consistently upbraided those in authority who overstepped their limits.在报载文章里,她不断谴责那些越权行事的当权者。




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