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词汇 limiting
例句 A limiting factor on our country's economic performance is its lack of resources.我国经济发展的一个制约因素就是缺乏资源。His job is to set targets for limiting greenhouse gases.他的工作是为限排温室气体设定目标。The most common limiting factor to growth is access to high quality people.发展最常见的限制因素是没有高素质人才。He moved an amendment limiting capital punishment to certain very serious crimes.他提出了一项修改动议,将死刑只限用于某些非常严重的罪行。Career-limiting habits you should avoid include unreliability and resistance to change.你需要避免的妨碍事业成功的习惯,包括不可信赖和不愿改变。Not eating meat or fish can be very limiting when you go to a restaurant.去饭店吃饭如果不吃肉或鱼,那么可吃的东西将非常有限。Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day.每天只喝三四杯茶对身体有益。The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting.给我规定的条件还不算太苛刻。Yet small communities can also be limiting and oppressive.但是,小圈子也可能因天地狭窄而使人感到沉闷。Two-thirds of the French are in favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe.三分之二的法国人赞成限制欧洲的进口贸易。The job's OK, but it's sort of limiting.这工作不错,但有点束缚。A factor limiting our country's economic performance is its lack of resources.阻碍我国经济发展的一个因素就是资源匮乏。There is a lot of research that still needs to be done, but money is an important limiting factor.仍有许多研究工作尚待完成,但是资金是一个重大的制约因素。The limiting factor, at this stage, is the amount of money available.这个阶段的限制性因素是可利用的资金数额。The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting.为我制定的条件并不是太有限定性。The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat in your diet.医生可能提议你限制饮食中的脂肪。I found the lack of available reference books very limiting.我发现没有参考书可用限制很大。The town has passed a zoning ordinance limiting construction.镇上通过了限制建设的分区法规。The majority of people realize the importance of limiting population growth.大多数人认识到限制人口增长的重要性。As a writer, I find the drama genre to be very limiting.作为作家,我认为戏剧体裁有很大的局限性。Words, as a means of expression, can be limiting.言语作为一种表达方式有时是有限的。




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