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They both spend money like water.他们两人都是挥金如土。I don't trust myself with a credit card - I spend money like water as it is.我身上不敢带信用卡—我花钱如流水。These animals don't like water but will swim if the necessity arises.这些动物不喜水,但必要时会游泳。Some of the companies were spending money like water.其中一些公司花钱如流水。The champagne flowed like water at the wedding reception.在结婚宴席上人们畅饮香槟。He tried to convince her to take the job, but his advice was like water off a duck's back. 他竭力想说服她接受那份工作,但他的建议被当作了耳旁风。 |