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例句 Both boys liked to work on the farm.两个小伙子都喜欢在农场工作。He certainly liked spangly jackets.他显然喜欢缀着闪闪亮片的夹克。She liked to be ready and waiting at home when Bernard returned from work.她想在伯纳德下班回家的时候把一切准备就绪。I love to make people laugh and am tickled if they liked what I said.我喜欢逗大家开心。如果他们喜欢我说的,我会很满足。He was quiet, well liked and did well at school.他很安静,很受欢迎,在学校功课也很好。The ladies of Berne liked to patronize the Palace for tea and little cakes.伯尔尼的女士们喜欢去联邦宫殿用茶点。Use a checklist when visiting properties to buy, so that you keep a record of which features you liked and didn't like.去看想买的房子时列个表,把你喜欢的和不喜欢的各个方面做个记录。I quite liked the story, but I thought the ending was rather contrived.我挺喜欢这个故事,不过我觉得结尾颇有斧凿之嫌。Here's a new idea we liked the sound of.这个新主意我们很喜欢。She set her hair the way her husband liked it.她把头发做成她丈夫喜欢的样式。I liked the film's Americanism.我喜欢这部电影的美国特色。She said she liked Moscow, but felt homesick for Prague.她说她喜欢莫斯科,但也怀念布拉格。There was only one dress that she really liked.只有一条裙子她是真的喜欢的。He liked to kid Ingrid a lot.他很喜欢捉弄英格丽德。The baby liked to splash in its tub.婴儿喜欢在澡盆里泼水。He liked beautiful women and courted them assiduously.他喜欢美丽的女子,而且会孜孜不倦地去追求。He liked the second series and I thought it was a load of crap.他喜欢第二辑,但我却觉得很糟糕。Father Tom was a hard-working, virtuous man, liked and respected by everyone.汤姆神甫是位工作勤奋、道德高尚的男子,受到大家的爱戴和尊敬。Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.克鲁克还比较喜欢她,只是对她的女性魅力始终无动于衷。She liked the movie, but I thought it was humdrum.她喜欢这部电影,但我觉得很无聊。The real estate agent showed them house after house, but they couldn't find one they liked.房地产经纪人带他们看了一处又一处的房子,可他们就是找不到自己喜欢的。I liked the child. He was a lot of laughs.我喜欢这孩子,他很有趣。Dominican liked to treat the Count as an equal, an impudence the Count tolerated because it amused him.多米尼加人喜欢平等对待伯爵;这一放肆行为得到伯爵的容忍,因为这令伯爵很愉快。He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.他很幽默,我喜欢他这一点。The potato salad was flavored with onions, the way Mattie liked it.这种马铃薯沙拉有洋葱味,这是玛蒂喜欢的口味。She tried several sauces before she found one she liked.她品尝了几种调味汁之后才找到自己喜欢的那种。I liked him enormously and was sorry when he left.我非常喜欢他,他的离去让我很伤心。I liked her last novel better than this new one.相比这部新作,我更喜欢她的上一部小说。I've never liked her and I never shall.我从来都不喜欢她,以后也不会。We saw one dress I liked – it was very nice indeed.我们看到一件我喜欢的衣服,真是太漂亮了。He wasn't a particularly attractive man, but there was something about him that women liked.他不是一个长得特别帅的人,但他有女人喜欢他的地方。He liked the children, and they responded to him.他喜欢孩子们,孩子们也都听他的。They were political allies who truly/genuinely liked each other.他们是真诚相待的政界盟友。I have never liked their music, although, to be fair, millions of people disagree with me.我从来不喜欢他们的音乐,不过,公正地说,许多人并不赞成我的看法。We liked the homeyness of the restaurant.我们喜欢这家餐馆宾至如归的氛围。I've never liked these glasses of Peter's. I might drop them one day - accidentally on purpose.我从来就不喜欢彼得的这副眼镜,或许什么时候我会假装无意把它给摔了。John liked him because he was a nervy guy and would go out and shoot anybody who John wanted him to shoot.约翰喜欢他,因为他胆大,约翰想干掉谁他就会出门去一枪把那人干掉。Nancy liked the distinguished, mannish but sensitive look of the bloke.南希喜欢那家伙出众的、有男子气概却又敏感的外表。I've never liked that cousin of hers.我从来没喜欢过她的那个表亲。The public may once have liked her, but her coyness and flirting now interfere with her interviews.公众也许曾经喜欢过她,但现在她的忸怩作态和卖弄风情让人们大失所望。




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