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词汇 light on
例句 The discovery of the dinosaur skeleton has cast light on why they became extinct.恐龙骨架的发现使人们对于恐龙灭绝的原因有了一些认识。Turn the light on so I can see.打开灯,这样我才能看见。It was quite difficult to see, even with the light on.很难看得见,即使是灯开着。Can you shed any light on the situation?你能把那个情形说得更明白些吗?You'll get eye strain if you don't put the light on.不开灯,你的眼睛会疲劳。When I saw that there were no lights on in the house, I naturally assumed you were asleep.我看到屋里没亮灯,自然以为你已经睡了。The country is light on talent in foreign affairs.该国缺乏外交人才。As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.我走近那幢房子的时候注意到楼上有灯光。I left my car lights on and now the battery is flat.我的车灯没关,现在电池没电了。Few of the beach houses still had lights on.海滩上的房子几乎没有亮着灯的了。The spacecraft is set to throw new light on to a dark corner of the solar system.这艘宇宙飞船可能会让人们对太阳系中的一个神秘角落有更新的认识。We have a device which switches the lights on at a preset time in the evening.我们有个装置,能在晚上按预设的时间打开电灯。It looked very Christmassy with lights on the trees.树上挂着灯,看起来很有圣诞节的气氛。A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.新方法提供了一个答案,而且有可能让人们进一步了解更重大的问题。The neon lights on the theater blinked red and blue.剧院上面的霓虹灯忽红忽蓝,闪烁不停。The moon shone, shedding a ghostly light on the fields.月亮闪耀,田野上洒下幽幽的亮光。A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage.聚光灯在舞台上洒下一团紫光。Buy a dimmer switch and keep the light on low, or switch it off altogether.买一个调光开关,把灯光调暗,或者干脆把灯关掉。The torch shed a bright light on the path ahead.手电筒把前面的小路照得通明。The candle cast a dim light on the table.蜡烛在桌上投下黯淡的光。There were lights on inside and I could hear voices.室内有灯光,我还能听到说话的声音。The numerous biographies of Baldwin cast little light on the subject.鲍德温的许多传记在这方面都几乎没有什么论述。The arrests cast new light on Ms. Kwon's allegations.一系列的逮捕行动让人们对权女士的指控有了新的认识。You've left your lights on.你没有关车灯。You'll run the battery down if you leave your car lights on.你要是让车灯开着,就会把电瓶里的电耗尽。Being afraid of the dark, she always slept with the light on.她怕黑,总是开着灯睡觉。A couple of lights on the hi-fi blinked.高保真音响上的几个小灯一闪一闪的。The study sheds light on the genetic differences between placental and marsupial mammals. 这一研究让人了解胎盘哺乳动物和有袋哺乳动物在基因上的差异。He switched the light on to read.他打开灯看书。The light on your answering machine is blinking.你电话答录机上的指示灯在闪。Scientists working in the Gobi desert have thrown new light on the life of dinosaurs.在戈壁沙漠中进行研究的科学家已对恐龙的生活有了新的了解。I hope my explanation throws light on their behavior.我希望我的解释有助于理解他们的行为。I saw a galaxy of lights on a hillside, marking a village.我看到山腰上有一片灯光,表明那里有一个村庄。We hung the lights on the Christmas tree.我们在圣诞树上挂了彩灯。Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease.最近的研究使人们对这种疾病的成因有了更多的了解。There were no lights on when I got home. That immediately set alarm bells ringing.我回到家时,屋里的灯没有亮着。这让我立即警觉起来。He forgetfully left the lights on.他忘记关灯了。When I got in, the message light on my answering machine was blinking.我进门时,我的电话答录机上的留言指示灯在闪烁。He's very light on his feet for such a big person.对于像他这样的大块头来说,他的脚步算是轻盈了。The lights on stage are controlled by this computer.舞台灯光由这台计算机控制。




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