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词汇 light
例句 Shakespeare is not exactly light reading. 莎士比亚的作品并不容易读懂。They light the twigs and singe the chicken.他们点燃细枝,把鸡毛燎了。He screwed up his eyes against the bright light.强烈的光线下他眯起了眼睛。We wanted to soften the light without destroying the overall effect of space.我们希望在不破坏整体空间效果的同时使灯光柔和一些。Those old black and white prints are much more sensitive to light.那些老黑白照片对光敏感得多。He saw a light in the distance. 他看到远处有一盏灯。The shirt is a light to medium pink.这件衬衫的颜色从淡粉渐变到中粉。The Government put the accent on light industry.政府注重轻工业。The arrests cast new light on Ms. Kwon's allegations.一系列的逮捕行动让人们对权女士的指控有了新的认识。My torch threw out enough light to see the path.我的手电筒够亮,可以看清路。The light was coming through a tiny gap under the door.亮光穿过门底下的一道细缝照射进来。Turn left at the next traffic light.在下一个红绿灯向左拐。In the wake of recent accounting scandals, new cases have come to light.继最近几宗会计丑闻之后,又有新案件曝光。It has not all been sweetness and light between him and the Prime Minister.他和首相的关系并不总是那么愉快融洽。She noticed the light spilling under Brian's door.她注意到布莱恩门底下透出的光。The door swung open again, spilling light into the cell.门再次打开了,光照亮了小屋。Ultraviolet light can suppress human immune responses.紫外光能够抑制人的免疫反应。When the toilet is engaged, a red light shows above the door.厕所有人在用时,门上方的红灯会亮起。White wine is produced from light-coloured grapes or from dark-coloured grapes with the skin removed.白葡萄酒是用浅色的葡萄或用深色的葡萄去皮后酿成的。I noticed a chink of light at the end of the corridor.我注意到走廊尽头有一束光。Can you change this light bulb for me? I can't reach.你能帮我把这个灯泡换下来吗?我够不着。He has worked hard in recent months to portray the city in a better light.近几个月来他努力从更好的角度描绘这座城市。The clearance of these trees will give you more light.把这些树砍掉,你们就会有更充足的光线。The big windows fill the room with light.几扇大窗户让房间充满了阳光。The morning sun flooded the room with a gentle light.早晨的太阳把柔和的光洒进了房间。The sun beamed its light through the window.阳光透过窗户照了进来。The interest of the painting lies in its unusual use of light.这幅画吸引人之处在于其独特的用光技巧。Her voice was light and pleasant.她的声音轻柔悦耳。Perhaps what she really needs is a bit of light relief.也许,她真正需要的是一点轻松的调剂。I did not approve of his plan, but he explained and then I saw the light.我不赞成他的计划,但他作了解释,我便同意了。He fumbled his one-handed attempt to light his cigarette.他笨手笨脚地试图用一只手点燃香烟。Bring it into the light and we'll have a look at it.把它拿到亮处我们看一看。The house that had looked so sinister at night seemed much less frightening in the cold light of day.这栋夜里看起来阴森凶险的房子在白天似乎并不那么可怕。She blinked her eyes when the light flashed.灯光闪烁时,她眨了眨眼。Would you care for some tea, or even a light meal, to fortify yourself before your adventure?.你要不要喝点儿茶,或吃点儿便餐,好在冒险之前增加一点儿体力?She travels light, choosing to use as little equipment as possible.她轻装旅行,尽量少带行装。It stays light for so long on these summer evenings.这些夏日的晚上天亮的时间真长。The morning was overcast; the light muddy.早晨天气阴沉,光线昏暗。I could see a bright light in the sky.我可以看见天空中的一个亮点。He was only able to perceive light and colour; he could not see properly.他只能感觉光和色,但是看不真切。




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