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词汇 lie to
例句 The north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic North Pole.磁北极位于地北极的西面。A hospital administrator has resigned over claims he lied to get the job.一位医院的管理人员辞职了,因为有人指责他为了得到这份工作而撒了谎。When they realized he'd lied to them, his parents went through the roof.他的父母意识到他撒了谎,非常愤怒。Wallace denied charges that he had lied to investigators.华莱士否认了他对调查人员说了谎的指责。Korea lies to the west of Japan.朝鲜在日本的西面。The Rockies lie to the westward.落基山脉位于西面。The new town lies to the north of the old city.新城位于旧城之北。The witness lied to the court.那个证人对法庭撒谎。They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up.他们知道自己犯了十分严重的错误,于是撒谎隐瞒。He's never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt his word.以前他从未对我说过谎,因此我没有理由怀疑他说的话。The child lied to the teacher about his reasons for being late.孩子向老师谎报迟到的原因。He's lied to us before, so give me one good reason why we should believe him now.他以前向我们撒过谎,所以我们现在没有理由相信他。He had been lied to and stabbed in the back by people that he thought were his friends.他曾经被一些他视为朋友的人欺骗过,在背后被捅过刀子。This survey gives the lie to the idea that Britain is moving towards economic recovery.这次调查证明了英国经济正在复苏的想法是错误的。We discussed the morality of telling lies to protect someone.我们讨论过为保护某人而说谎的道德性。It was despicable of you to lie to your parents.你向你的父母说谎是个可鄙的行为。I can't believe you lied to me.我不敢相信你竟然对我说谎。She lied to her husband so she could meet her lover.她对丈夫撒了谎,好与情人幽会。He broke the vase but what is worse, he lied to me about it.他打碎了花瓶,但更糟的是这事他还跟我撒了谎。The boy's dirty hands gave the lie to his answer that he had washed.男孩回答说他已洗过手,但他那双脏手证明这是假话。Several years went by before I realized that David had lied to me.几年之后我才意识到戴维对我撒了谎。McFarlane pleaded guilty to four federal misdemeanor charges that he had lied to Congress.麦克法兰承认四项违反联邦法律,欺骗国会的罪名。Don't lie to me! I know where you were last night.别对我说谎!我知道你昨晚在哪里。He lied to her once, and she still holds it against him.他曾对她撒过一次谎,因此她至今对他的印象都不好。I wouldn't lie to you, honest to God I wouldn't.我不会对你撒谎的,真的不会。He lied to divert attention from the real situation.他撒谎是为了转移对实际状况的关注。He acts as if it doesn't matter that he lied to us.他向我们撒谎,可他却显得无所谓。I was very leery of him after I found out he had lied to Jennifer.我发现他对珍妮弗说谎之后,就对他存有戒心。The police gave the lie to the man who said that he had been at home during the robbery.那人说抢劫发生时他一直在家,警察斥责他是在说谎。Libya lies to the west of Egypt.利比亚位于埃及以西。Admit it! You lied to me!坦白吧!你对我撒了谎!It's uncool to lie to your friends.对你的朋友撒谎是可耻的。She was still furious over suggestions that she had lied to the public.她对那些暗示她欺骗公众的话仍然怒不可遏。You don't have to lie to me. I know the score.你不用骗我。我知道真相。He lied to Essie, saying his date was one of the girls in the show.他对埃茜撒谎说跟他约会的是参加演出的一个女孩。These figures give the lie to the notion that people are spending less.这些数据表明认为人们现在消费减少的观点并不属实。The boys tell lies to get each other into trouble.这些男孩经常说谎,令大家都遇上麻烦。Don't lie to me.别对我说谎。That gives the lie to all her theories.那证明她所有的理论都是假的。I was terrified that my father would find out I had lied to him.我极害怕父亲会发现我对他撒了谎。




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