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词汇 levels
例句 At the higher levels of management, there's definitely a gender imbalance.在高级管理层中,肯定存在着男女比例失衡的问题。The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels.调查揭露出了最高层的政治欺诈和腐败。Tokyo didn't want to be left out of step with weekend levels overseas.东京不想与海外周末休假标准不一致。The response to this raises the question of strategy to new levels of urgency.对此的回应引发了应对新层面紧急情况的策略问题。This is a classic instance of Dostoevsky's writing operating on two levels.这是陀思妥耶夫斯基的写作同时在两个层面上展开的典型实例。These drugs may elevate acid levels in the blood.这些药可能增加血液的酸度。Teams at all levels dedicate whole training days to set plays.各个层次的球队都将整个训练日程花在定位球上。Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.海平面下降使白令海底部的浅层大陆架暴露出来。Scientists are keeping a close watch on pollution levels.科学家们正在密切注意污染的程度。Beneath the conscious mind there are many levels of the unconscious.在意识心理之下存在很多层次的无意识。Water levels in the Roseau River have dropped for now but they're expected to crest some time in the next week.罗索河水位目前已经下降,但是预计下周某个时间会升到最高点。There will be stiff penalties if companies exceed these levels of pollution.公司污染超标将会受到严厉的处罚。She makes the claim that sea levels will actually go down.她断言海平面将会下降。Despite the high levels of radiation, people are now moving back into the danger zone.虽然有高强度的辐射,人们现在还是要返回到危险区。High levels of car use mean our streets are more congested than ever.汽车的大量使用意味着我们的街道变得比以前更拥挤。Pesticide levels in food are simply too difficult to calibrate.食品中杀虫剂的含量很难精确测定。Some schools experienced difficulty in maintaining staffing levels.有些学校在保持教职员工水平方面遇到了困难。High levels of debt are a major barrier to economic development.高额负债是经济发展的主要障碍。She intends to do A levels and go to university.她计划先参加高级考试,然后去读大学。The printer has a monitor which displays the ink levels of each cartridge.这种打印机上有个监视器,可以显示各墨盒里的墨量。Schools need to reduce levels of truancy.学校需要减少旷课人数。The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.心脏监护器显示患者神志不清。Fields adjacent to the nuclear facility were found to have high levels of radioactivity.在与核设施毗邻的田地上发现有很强的辐射。She uses an at-home blood test to monitor her blood levels.她用一种家用血液测试法监测她的各项血液指标。The scientists are keeping a record of radioactive levels in the area.科学家正在对该地区的放射水平作记录。The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.新发现表明女性应当密切关注她们的胆固醇水平。They are looking to cut costs while simultaneously maintaining the existing levels of service.他们考虑要在保持现有服务水平的同时降低成本。They have already seen their total debts spiral back towards unsustainable levels.他们已经看目睹其债务总额急剧增长,又回到了不能维持下去的水平。They have achieved higher levels of efficiency.他们已经达到较高的效率水平。We have designed the course for students at all levels of ability.我们的这门课程是针对不同水平的学生设计的。As a borderline diabetic, Lara is able to control her blood sugar levels solely through diet.劳拉是个早期糖尿病患者,她只需要通过饮食便能控制血糖。She predicts that fuel prices will remain at current levels.她预计燃料价格会保持现有水平。Refugees in the camp are living at subsistence levels.难民营里的难民过着勉强糊口的生活。He is studying the levels of divergence between the species.他正在研究物种间的差异水平。Literacy levels amongst girls very quickly overtook those of boys.女孩子的读写水平很快就超过了男孩子。Racism operates at many levels, conscious and unconscious.种族主义在许多层面上有意识或无意识地产生影响。It was actually used for enriching uranium to weapons-grade levels.实际上,它是用于将铀浓缩到武器级。In any faith community there are varying levels of commitment.在任何一个宗教团体内都有各种各样的虔诚程度。They have purged thousands from the upper levels of the civil service.他们从上层文职部门清除了上千名公务员。Its nickname is the Goldilocks Bird, because it nests only when water levels are "just right".它的昵称叫“恰好鸟”,因为它们只在水位刚好的地方筑巢。




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