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例句 As a whole the series was never less than watchable - hokum, perhaps, but entertaining.整体上来说,这部系列剧还是有些看头的——或许有些胡编乱造,但还是挺有意思的。Some of the men looked less than reputable.这些人中有的看上去没有什么名望。Social class matters a lot less than it used to.社会阶层远不如以前重要了。She decided to move from the city after she was mugged for the third time in less than a year.在不到一年的时间里被人抢劫了三次之后,她决定搬走,离开这个城市。Their escape from such a devastating wreck seemed nothing less than a miracle.他们能从这么严重的海难中死里逃生,简直就是奇迹。They made less than comparable city workers but the cost of living was much less so that balanced out.与有可比性的城市工人相比,他们挣得较少,但是生活成本要低得多,所以就相互抵消了。We shall be ready in less than no time.我们这就准备停当。 They were rather less than charitable towards the referee.他们对裁判根本不体谅。It cost a bit less than we thought.费用比我们想的少了一点点。She knows less than I do about it.这事她没有我知道的多。My flight leaves in less than an hour.我乘坐的航班一小时内起飞。She earns less than a subsistence wage at the mail-order company.她在一家邮购公司工作,工资尚不够维持基本生计。The game took her less than an hour to finish.她没用一个小时就拿下了这场比赛。It's a little less than I asked for, but I can live with that.这比我要的少一些,但对此我可以接受。Language learning often takes place in a less than ideal environment.语言学习经常在不尽理想的环境中进行。He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming to Britain.来英国不到两个月,他就在一次与狱警的打斗中丧命了。Holiday entitlements for temporary workers are less than for permanent staff.临时工可享有的假期比固定员工的要短。He always travels by bus because it costs less than travelling by train.他总是乘公共汽车,因为这比乘火车便宜。His death was the second skiing tragedy in less than a week.他的死亡成了不到一周时间里的第二起滑雪悲剧。He spent five months on unemployment before finding a job that paid much less than his previous job.他领了五个月的失业救济金,然后才找到薪水比前一份工作低得多的工作。After less than two years of war they would be starved into surrender.打不了两年的仗,他们就会受不了饥饿缴枪投降。If the oil tank is less than half full, tell them to fill it up.如果油箱内的油不到半箱,让他们灌满。They live less than a quarter mile from us.他们住的地方离我们不到四分之一英里。They threw together the bookshelf in less than an hour.不到一小时,他们就匆匆拼装好了书架。Her victory was nothing less than remarkable.他的胜利确实引人瞩目。He demands nothing less than the best service. 他要求最好的服务。Most drive-ins give you two movies for less than the price of one indoors.在大多数汽车影院,花不到一场室内电影的票价就能看两场电影。This type of problem still occurs, but less than it did in the past.这类问题依然出现,但比过去少了。It was nothing less than a miracle.那完全是个奇迹。I'd be less than honest if I told you there won't be problems.如果我告诉你不会有问题,那么我就是在说谎。His appearance in the show was nothing less than a sensation.他在节目中出现引起了不小的轰动。Peterson was let go after less than two years.不到两年彼得森就被解雇了。She is less than enamored with her new job. 她不太喜欢自己的新工作。General Haig would accept nothing less than unconditional surrender.黑格将军只愿接受无条件投降。It cost less than I expected.它比我预计的便宜。I visit him less than I should.我没有像我应该做的那样经常去拜访他。Her greeting was less than enthusiastic.她的问候一点儿也不热情。Many women earn less than their male colleagues.许多女性挣的钱比她们的男同事要少。I felt she was being less than candid with me.我感觉她对我一点儿都不坦诚。Bob Dole seemed less than enthusiastic about the proposed move.鲍勃·多尔似乎对提议的这项行动不太感兴趣。




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