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词汇 assigned
例句 The police assigned me protection.警察当局给予我保护。We were assigned to the second sitting.我们被指定在第二批就餐。He assigned her all his land in Ireland.他把自己在爱尔兰的所有土地转让给了她。She challenged the traditional roles assigned to women.她对妇女被赋予的传统角色提出了挑战。The campsites are first come, first served, so we'd better get there early. = The campsites are assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis, so we'd better get there early.露营帐篷搭建地是先到先得,所以我们最好早点到那儿。The job of producing a development program was assigned to the junior minister.制定发展计划的工作指派给了副部长。A nurse will be assigned to look after you.会派一名护士照顾你。The teacher assigned several readings to the class.老师给班上同学布置了几篇阅读作业。After her promotion took effect, she was assigned a research job.她的晋升令生效后,她获派一项研究工作。He was unable to perform his assigned duties because of ill health.因为健康不佳,他无法完成指派的任务。An arbitrary number has been assigned to each district.每个区都被分配了一个随意选定的号码。He paid for and was assigned a cabin in first class.他付完钱后被安排到了头等舱。Her assigned reading for English class was 'Great Expectations'.她的英语课指定读物是《远大前程》。They were assigned to different homerooms.他们被分到了不同的年级教室。When the teacher assigned extra homework, she heard a few grumbles from the kids.要是再让我听到你抱怨饭不好吃,你就自己做!The council's role is to implement the duties assigned to it by the state.委员会的职责就是履行州政府向其分派的职能。She was assigned to the embassy in India.她被派到驻印度大使馆工作。They were assigned to security/maintenance/kitchen detail.他们被指派了安全/维修/炊事任务。He was assigned to cover the tight end.他被派去防守近端锋。He was assigned to the northern sector.他被委任负责北方战区。Madison was assigned to investigate a balloon accident.麦迪逊被派去调查一宗气球事故。The students were assigned to write a theme on the person they admired most.学生们要以自己最钦佩的人为主题写一篇作文。We were each assigned a partner for the project.为这个项目给我们每人指派了一名搭档。They assigned me a secretary. = They assigned a secretary to me. 他们给我配了一个秘书。UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital.重建这所医院的任务被指派给了联合国部队。He was assigned to a succession of low-profile army jobs.他被指派担任一系列默默无闻的陆军职务。Hudson had assigned a detective to case the pawn-brokers.赫德森指派了一名侦探去侦察那些当铺老板。I am afraid that this is your assigned dormitory, willy-nilly.不管你愿不愿意,这就是你被分到的宿舍。The company commander assigned me to stand guard.连长派我去站岗。A personal bodyguard had been assigned to her.已给她派了一个私人保镖。I was assigned a pleasant, cheery room to work in.给我留了一个舒适惬意的房间工作。They assigned me the job of cleaning the equipment. = They assigned the job of cleaning the equipment to me. = They assigned me to clean the equipment.他们分配我去清洁设备。A section of the field was assigned for parking.场地的一部分被留作停车场。Every available officer will be assigned to the investigation.每一名可以调用的警官都将会被派去进行调查。He was assigned the rank of Commander.他被授予海军中校军衔。He believes that they have assigned blame/responsibility to the wrong people.他认为他们把过错/责任归错了人。Parts in the play were assigned to each student.剧中的角色都分配给了每个学生。Tina has been assigned to the intermediate learners' group.蒂娜被分配到中级学生组。He confessed that he did not read the assigned book.他承认他没有读指定的书。Jan's been assigned to the Asian Affairs Bureau.简被派到亚洲事务部。




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