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词汇 lecturer
例句 She's such a fascinating lecturer - I was hanging on to her every word.她讲得实在太引人入胜了——她说的每一个字我都听得很仔细。Watson is now a lecturer at the University of Bradford.沃森现在是布拉德福德大学的讲师。The head lecturer was sacked for seducing female students.这个首席讲师因诱奸女学生而被解雇。He bombarded the lecturer with inane questions.他向讲演者提了一连串无比愚蠢的问题。As a lecturer, she is fluent, witty, but also scholarly.作为一位讲演者,她熟练自如,聪明机智,而且具有学者风度。We had a guest lecturer in class today.今天我们课堂上来了一位特邀演讲者。His brother-in-law is a lecturer of history.他的姊夫是大学历史讲师。She's a lecturer.她是讲师。The lecturer spoke so quietly that he was scarcely audible at the back of the hall.这位讲师的声音太小,坐在礼堂后面的人几乎听不见。The lecturer was completely en rapport with his auditors.演讲者与听众融为一体。The guest lecturer is a novelist of rank who has won many prestigious awards.这个特邀讲演者是位受人尊敬的小说家,曾获得很多享有盛誉的奖项。The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.这项指控葬送了一名讲师的职业生涯。The lecturer was just a bit disorganized towards the end.讲课人在快结束时讲得有点凌乱。The lecturer phrased monotonously.这位讲课教师用词很单调。He spoke in the flat, dispassionate tone of a lecturer.他以一个讲师般平板、不动感情的口吻说话。The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.这项指控断送了一名讲师的前程。Rainey was an unimpressive, rather dull lecturer.雷尼是个平庸而且相当乏味的老师。Her first academic appointment was as a lecturer at Manchester University.她的第一个教学职务是曼彻斯特大学讲师。We hung on the lecturer's every word.我们全神贯注地听着演讲者的每一句话。The lecturer didn't turn up, so we had to find a stand-in.演讲者没来,因此我们得找个人临时顶替。She is a frequent lecturer on contemporary art and cultural theory.她经常就当代艺术与文化理论开讲。A lecturer in the English Department has recently been refused tenure.英语系一名讲师最近未能获得终身职。She's an occasional lecturer at the university.她是那所大学的短期讲师。Paul visited the local bars more frequently than was decent for a senior lecturer.保罗过于频繁地光顾当地酒吧,不太合乎高级讲师的身份。He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history.他原先是一名校外辅导老师,后调入学校讲授社会史。She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford.在鲍里斯·福特的支持下,她去了谢菲尔德大学讲课。A well-known explorer came on the cruise as a guest lecturer.一位著名的探险家以特邀演讲者的身份加入了此次巡游。He's a good lecturer as he really knows his stuff.他是位好讲师,因为他确实精通业务。The lecturer was a middle-aged man.讲演者是个中年男人。He was much in demand as a lecturer in the US.他的讲座在美国很受欢迎。The lecturer began with a short account of the history of the UN.讲师先对联合国的历史进行了简短的介绍。She'd been offered the chair in chemistry at that university where she was already a lecturer.她原任该大学讲师,现已被聘任为化学教授。The lecturer brought all the threads together.讲演者把所有的细节都联系起来。It took me some time to undergo the metamorphosis from teacher to lecturer.我经历了好长一段时间才从普通教师变成一名讲师。




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