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词汇 lean forward
例句 Peter leaned forward and kissed the girl's sensual red lips.彼得弯身向前吻那女孩性感的红唇。Laura leaned forward to pry open the crate.劳拉俯下身子撬开了板条箱。She leaned forward, hands resting wide apart on the bar.她向前倾着身子,两手叉开着搁在横杆上。She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.她俯身过来和我耳语了几句。As he leaned forward, his hat fell off.他往前俯身时帽子掉了。He leaned forward to give her a kiss.他俯身向前吻了她。Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.韦斯耸起双肩,身体前倾靠在柜台边上。She stood up and leaned forward with her hands pressing down on the desk.她站起来,双手撑在桌子上,身体向前倾。Maggie leaned forward and kissed her cheek.玛吉俯身吻了她的脸颊。His mother leaned forward and spoke to him in urgent undertones.他母亲身子前倾,小声而急切地跟他说话。She leaned forward and placed a slow kiss on his forehead.她倾身向前,在他额头款款一吻。He leaned forward, his face flushed with anger.他身体前倾,脸都气红了。He leaned forward and spoke in a lowered voice.他俯过身去,压低声音说话。He pinched the top of his nose to stop the bleeding and leaned forward.他捏住鼻子止血并将身体向前倾。She leaned forward, her eyes bright with excitement.她身体前倾,眼里闪动着兴奋的光芒。She pushed her plate to one side and leaned forward.她把盘子推到一边,然后向前弯身。She leaned forward to whisper something in my ear.她倾身向前,对我耳语了一番。She leaned forward to touch the dog but quickly drew back when she saw its teeth.她俯身去摸那条狗,但看到它的牙齿后马上退了回来。Mrs Singh leaned forward, listening intently as they explained the procedure to her.辛夫人身体向前倾着,专心地听他们向她解释手续。He leaned forward with a sly smile.他俯身向前诡秘地一笑。Henry leaned forward and tweaked my ear playfully.亨利往前一靠,开玩笑地拧了拧我的耳朵。She leaned forward eagerly to listen to him.她急切地探身向前听他说。Billy leaned forward and brushed a speck of dust off his shoes.比利俯身擦掉了鞋子上的一丝灰尘。She leaned forward to kiss him but he evaded her by pretending to sneeze.她身子前倾想要吻他,可他假装打喷嚏躲开了。Brassard rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward.布拉萨德把胳膊肘支在桌子上,身体前倾。He leaned forward confidentially and began telling his story.他神秘兮兮地俯身向前,开始讲述他的经历。I leaned forward to light her cigarette.我倾过身去给她点烟。She leaned forward with her hands pressing down on the desk.她身体前倾,双手按在桌子上。I leaned forward to rumple his hair, but he jerked out of the way.我探身过去抚弄他的头发,但他马上躲开了。He contented himself with a stolen kiss as he leaned forward.他向前俯身偷吻成功,这才心满意足。As he leaned forward she instinctively recoiled.他向她靠近,她本能地往后退缩。Fenella leaned forward, clasping her hands around her knees.费内拉身体前倾,双手紧紧抱着膝盖。She slowly leaned forward in a provocative way.她挑逗地慢慢向前弯下身。His mother leaned forward and gave him an approving look.他的母亲探身向前,对他投以赞许的目光。He leaned forward across the bar.他将身子探过吧台。He leaned forward earnestly and looked me straight in the eye.他严肃地向前俯身,直盯着我的眼睛。




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