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词汇 lay down
例句 He lay down for a rest.他躺下休息一会。The children lay down on their stomachs.孩子们趴着躺下。He lay down on the bed and tried to relax.他躺在床上想休息一下。With kids like that you have to lay down the law and let them see you're serious.对于那样的小孩你必须发号施令,让他们知道你是严肃认真的。Our book lays down the ground rules for building a patio successfully.本书为成功建造露台定下了基本原则。He lay down with his limbs spread out in a star.他四肢向外伸展成星形躺下。She lay down fully dressed on the bed.她穿戴整齐躺在床上。She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed.她走进卧室,躺在床上。I lay down and closed my eyes.我躺下来闭上眼睛。The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.该协议也为美国毒品稽查人员的行为制订了准则。The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements.《公司法》规定了一系列最低标准。She lay down on the soft, comfortable bed.她在柔软而舒适的床上躺了下来。He took off his sweater, rolled it into a pillow and lay down on the grass.他脱下毛衣,将它卷成一个枕头,然后在草地上躺了下来。I, the undersigned, am about to lay down my life.我,本文件的署名人,准备献出生命。He lay down on the floor and cried and cried.他躺在地板上,哭个不停。The drug traffickers offered to lay down their arms.毒贩们主动提出放下武器。She did not feel it was her place to lay down the law.她觉得这里轮不到她来发号施令。I found a sequestered spot in the park and lay down with my book.我在花园的深处找到一个幽静的地方,于是躺下来看书。The police ordered him to lay down his weapons and lie down on the ground.警察命令他放下武器趴到地上。She lay down on her bed, fully dressed.她和衣躺到床上。The student decide to lay down the scholarship.这个学生决定放弃奖学金。Please stop writing and lay down your pencils.请不要再写了,放下你们手中的铅笔。The report lays down criteria for disciplining staff.报告制定了员工纪律准则。I didn't feel very well, so I lay down on the bed and tried to rest.我感觉不太舒服,所以我躺在床上,想休息一下。She lay down and dropped off to sleep.她躺下睡着了。They lay down under a canopy of stars.他们躺在星光闪烁的夜空下。The soldiers refused to lay down their arms.战士们拒绝放下武器。He lay down and pulled the covers up.他躺了下来,把被子拉到身上。She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed.她走过地板躺在了床上。Man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.人间没有比为朋友肝脑涂地更伟大的爱了。He lay down on the bed fully clothed.他和衣躺到床上。The government has called on the terrorists to lay down their arms.政府要求恐怖分子放下武器。The drug-traffickers have offered to lay down their arms.毒贩们已同意放下武器。They called on the rebels to lay down their arms and surrender.他们呼吁叛军放下武器投降。He was even prepared to lay down his life for his friends.他甚至愿意为他的朋友舍命。The police ordered the criminals to lay down their weapons.警方命令罪犯放下他们的武器。She shook up the pillows, and then lay down in bed.她把枕头抖摇膨松后,躺在了床上。He is raring to charge into the fray and lay down the law.他急切地想管管这场闹剧,教训他们一顿。Don't lay down the law to me.不要对我发号施令。The new law lays down strict rules about the way guns may be bought and sold.新的法律对枪支买卖作出了严格的规定。




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