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词汇 law and order
例句 The police should be preservers of law and order.警察应是法律和秩序的维护者。The police are responsible for the preservation of law and order.警察负责维持治安。His speeches are littered with references to law and order.他的演讲满篇提及法律和秩序。It's ironic that a government so concerned about law and order is disregarding an international treaty.真是让人啼笑皆非,一个如此关注法治的政府却漠视国际条约。The police say that they will do whatever is necessary to maintain law and order.警方说,他们将竭尽全力维护治安。The police work to preserve law and order.警察的工作是维持治安。The Tories have lost the plot on law and order.保守党人在治安问题上不知所措。The self-declared guardians of law and order held a press conference.那些自称为法律和秩序维护者的人举行了一次记者招待会。Labour poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order.保守党自称是重视法治的政党,工党对此嗤之以鼻。What is needed is the restoration of law and order.现在需要的是恢复法律和秩序。Strong action is needed to restore law and order.有必要采取强硬的行动来恢复法律与秩序。Troops were sent to restore law and order to the place.军队被派去恢复该地治安。They trampled law and order under foot.他们目无法纪。He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation.他把矛头指向经济,认为其是法治不断恶化的根源。The government has reaffirmed that it will take any steps necessary to maintain law and order.政府重申将采取一切必要措施维护法律和秩序。But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order.但是,在此期间,我们显然有责任维持法律和秩序。The police restored law and order.警方恢复了治安。The army was called in to restore law and order to the place.军队被召来恢复该地治安。There has been a complete breakdown of law and order.法律与秩序已荡然无存。The government is committed to the preservation of law and order.政府承诺维护法治和秩序。A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething, bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check.表面上的几条法令基本控制不住无政府混乱局面的湍流涌动。The maintenance of law and order is of vital importance.法律与秩序的维持是至关重要的。The soldiers were brought in to restore law and order after the riots.暴乱后派遣了军队来恢复法律和秩序。They tried to maintain law and order.他们力图维护治安。If there were a breakdown of law and order, the army might be tempted to intervene.如果法治彻底崩坏,军方就可能介入。Would you say the government's stance on law and order has softened?你说政府在法律法规方面的态度有所缓和了吗?The Tories found themselves outflanked by Labour on the issue of law and order.保守党人发现他们在法律和秩序问题上被工党占了上风。An emphasis on the community is a cardinal feature of our law and order policies.重视社区是我们治安政策的主要特点。




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