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词汇 laugh
例句 She resisted the temptation to laugh.她忍住没有笑出声来。She tried to suppress a cough/laugh. 她努力忍住不咳嗽/笑出声。Staggering to his feet, the drunkard bellowed out a laugh.醉汉摇摇晃晃地站起来时发出一声大笑。Patients suffering from depression are encouraged to laugh away their worries.鼓励抑郁症患者用笑驱除忧虑。Lysenko gave a deep rumbling laugh at his own joke.李森科讲完笑话,自己低声吃吃笑了起来。He responded with a resonant laugh.他报以洪亮的笑声。When I realised my mistake, we had a laugh about it.我意识到自己的错误后,我们大笑了一场。Frieda's mother was a plump, cheerful woman, quick with a laugh.弗丽达的母亲是个胖胖的、性情愉快的、爱笑的女人。I had a good laugh over that one.我为那件事笑了好一阵。Leonard was working at his German. His mistakes made her laugh.伦纳德正在学习德语,他出的洋相让她哈哈大笑。I've got the laugh on him this time.这回该我嘲笑他了。Eric can make people laugh merely by walking onto the stage.埃里克只要走上舞台就会逗得人大笑。One of the guards gave a low, menacing laugh.其中一个警卫发出了一声低沉威吓的笑声。Bill's mockery of his dad was cruel, but it made us laugh.比尔模仿他爸爸的做法有点残忍,不过我们都被逗笑了。Even the grave old gentleman could not suppress a laugh.连那位严肃的老绅士都禁不住笑了。There was a tense silence, and then everyone began to laugh.一阵紧张的沉默过后,大家都笑了起来。Cherie was trying hard not to laugh.谢丽正强忍住不笑出声来。I had a little laugh to myself.我自顾自地笑了一下。When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.我是他那样的小毛孩时,莫明其妙地就会发笑。He looked so funny I just had to laugh.他的样子太滑稽了,我不由得笑了。You'll pay? Don't make me laugh!你要付钱?别开玩笑了!He was about to offer an explanation, but she was beginning to laugh.他正要解释,她却放声大笑起来了。The desire to laugh became a compulsion.想要笑出来的愿望变成了一股强烈的冲动。The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself.这番率直的话让理查德不由自主地大笑起来。He's got a really annoying laugh.他的笑声真让人烦。When she told me they were getting married I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.当她告诉我他们要结婚了时,我简直不知该如何是好。We couldn't help laughing. = We couldn't help but laugh.我们大笑不止。I've never seen Terry laugh so hard.我从没见过特里这么开怀大笑过。That movement seemed to be something of a laugh.那场运动在某种意义上就像是开玩笑。His laugh-a-minute image is just a front to hide his deep unhappiness.他大笑不止的样子只不过是为了掩盖内心的痛苦。I like Peter – he's a good laugh.我喜欢彼得 — 他很有趣。I was making silly faces to get the baby to laugh.我正做着各种鬼脸逗宝宝乐。His acting raised a huge laugh.他的表演引起一阵大笑。Jerrold laughed again, a solid, fruity laugh.杰罗尔德又笑了,声音浑厚而圆润。She reacted to his compliments with a deprecating laugh.听了他的赞扬,她不好意思地笑了。They were persuaded onstage for a laugh by their mates.他们被伙伴们说服,上台一乐。For no reason at all the two men started to laugh.两个人莫名其妙地开始大笑。We went skating on Saturday. I kept falling over, but it was a good laugh.我们星期六去滑冰了—我老是摔跤,不过很好玩。He held a concerned look for Brown 's benefit, but he wanted to laugh.他装出一副关切的样子给布朗看,可是心里却直想笑。She gave a wan laugh/smile.她无力地笑了笑/微微一笑。




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