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词汇 lateness
例句 She was still very wide awake despite the lateness of the hour.尽管夜已深沉,她仍毫无睡意。He told a real whopper to excuse his lateness.他撒了一个弥天大谎来替自己的迟到辩解。He dismissed his secretary because of her incessant lateness.由于他的秘书一再迟到,他把她辞退了。The boss took him to task over his lateness.上司因为他迟到而责备他。Even one minute's lateness would earn a stern rebuke.哪怕迟到一分钟也将受到严厉的斥责。She told me/invented/concocted a tale about missing the bus to explain her lateness.为了解释迟到的原因,她向我讲了/编造了一通没赶上公共汽车的鬼话。He apologized for his lateness.他为自己迟到道了歉。I'm tired of your constant lateness.你老是迟到,烦死我了。A large crowd had gathered despite the lateness of the hour.尽管天色已晚,仍有一大群人聚集到了一起。What did he say in explanation of his lateness?他用什么话来为自己迟到辩白? The director taxed him for his constant lateness.经理责备他老是迟到。He was fired for his habitual lateness.他因为经常迟到而被开除。He only offered a partial explanation for his lateness.他对自己的迟到只说了个大概的原因。He overcompensated for his lateness by showing up two hours early the next day.迟到以后他矫枉过正,第二天早来了两个小时。




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