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词汇 ass
例句 If that is against the law, then the law is an ass.如果那都是违法的话,真是项愚不可及的法律。Jamie? He bores the ass off me!杰米?我都让他给烦死了!It's your ass if you get caught.你要是被人抓住,就只好自认倒霉。The only guy who's had a piece of ass lately is George.最近唯一睡过娘们儿的只有乔治。You may think you're being funny, but everyone else thinks you're being a real horse's ass.你可能自以为很风趣,可是所有人都认为你是个傻瓜。Don't be such an ass, stop clowning around.别傻了,快别做出这些可笑的样子。He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.他常不招人待见,而且被看作是个自负的大傻帽儿。They work your ass off but they pay you well.他们拼命使唤你,不过给的报酬很高。He says he doesn't want a promotion if he has to kiss ass to get it.他说如果他必须拍马屁才能升职,那他宁愿不升职。I've never seen so much gorgeous ass.我从没见过那么多的漂亮妞。Just play it safe, cover your ass, keep your head down.要谨慎行事,保护好自己并保持低调。He has a reputation for being a hard-ass.他有待人凶悍的名声。Our team kicked ass in the soccer tournament.我们队在足球联赛中大获全胜。Get your ass in my office now!你他妈的马上到我办公室来!He'd do anything to cover his ass, including lie, cheat, and murder.为了保护自己他会不择手段,包括撒谎、欺骗,乃至杀人。It hasn't been easy. The truth is I've worked my ass off for everything I've achieved.这很不容易,事实是我完成的每件事都是拼命干出来的。John never kissed the boss's ass.约翰从不拍老板的马屁。Some smart-ass college kid started making fun of her accent.有个自作聪明的大学生开始拿她的口音开玩笑。That gray truck has been on our ass for the last mile.那辆灰色卡车一直紧跟在我们屁股后面有一英里了。We're gonna kick San Francisco's ass good tonight.今晚我们要好好教训一下旧金山队。He damn well better not try it now or he will damn well get his ass kicked.他最好不要现在就试,否则铁定会被气个半死。I've got to thank the soldiers who protected my ass during the war.我必须感谢战争期间那些保护过我生命的战士。I wish he'd admit to his mistakes instead of always trying to cover his ass. 我希望他能够承认错误,而不是一味遮掩。I worked my ass off for that man.我为那个人累死累活的。They play kick-ass rock and roll.他们玩一种非常狂野的摇滚乐。That smart-ass said your girlfriend looks like a dog.那个自以为是的家伙说你的女友看起来像只狗。The pompous ass is puffed up by too much money.这头自以为了不起的蠢驴因为钱多而趾高气扬。If she asks me to work over the weekend, I'll tell her to shove it up her ass!她要是让我周末工作,我就会让她滚一边去!I work my ass off everyday to try to make ends meet.为了能够维持生计,我每天都在拼命工作。You'd better haul ass or you'll miss your flight.你最好赶紧动身,否则会误了航班。He told me to leave, and I told him he could kiss my ass!他让我走开,我让他见鬼去!OK, smart-ass! If I want an answer from you I'll ask for it.行啦,你这自作聪明的家伙!如果我要你答,我会问你的。Some drunk threatened to kick his ass.有个醉鬼威胁要让他好看。You can be such an ass sometimes!有时候你真是冥顽不灵啊!He got his ass kicked by some drunk.他被某一个醉鬼打了。We don't have much time so you'd better move your ass! = You'd better get your ass in gear! 我们没多少时间了,你给我快点!He'll say I did it, just to cover his ass.为了给自己找个垫背的,他会说是我干的。It may not be much, but it's better than a kick in the ass.所得可能无几,但总比碰一鼻子灰好些。If they don't start answering my questions, I'm going to go over there and kick some ass.如果他们不肯回答我的问题,我就过去给他们点儿颜色瞧瞧。If he gives you any problems, let me know and I'll kick his ass.要是他给你惹麻烦,告诉我一声,我会教训他的。




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