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词汇 lash out at
例句 He lashed out at her with his fists.他用拳头猛揍她。She would suddenly lash out at other children.她会突然打起其他孩子来。He lashed out at her completely unprovoked.他毫无缘由地对她进行猛烈抨击。The article lashed out at social injustice.这篇文章对社会上的不公平现象进行猛烈抨击。He lashed out at the robber who robbed the old man.他痛揍抢劫那老人的强盗。They lashed out at the university enrolling system.他们猛烈抨击大学的招生制度。He seldom misses an opportunity to lash out at the media.他几乎不放过任何一次抨击媒体的机会。It seemed that he was going to lash out at her, but he controlled himself.他似乎就要斥责她了,但马上又控制住了自己。Finally Glen could suppress his anger no longer and he lashed out at his mother.格伦终于压不住怒气,对他母亲发火了。He lost his self-control and lashed out at the other player.他失去自制力,攻击了另一名运动员。She lashed out at her critics who had labelled her a bimbo.她对称她为花瓶的批评者予以猛烈抨击。Her husband has a terrible temper and lashes out at her when he's angry.她丈夫脾气很坏,生气时就骂她。As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press.作为一个政治人物,杰斐逊常常抨击新闻界。He lashed out at them with his fists.他用拳头猛揍他们。The horse lashed out at me with his rear leg.那匹马用后腿踢我。The cat suddenly lashed out at me when I tried to pet it.我试着去摸摸那只猫,它却突然猛扑向我。Olson lashed out at the media.奥尔森痛斥媒体。The editorial lashed out at official corruption.那篇社论猛烈抨击官场的腐败。They lashed out at the council's move to stop free parking.他们猛烈地抨击了地方议会取消免费停车的举措。




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