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词汇 lanes
例句 There is plenty to explore in the narrow winding lanes behind the cathedral.主教座堂背后那些羊肠小道大有可探究之处。The broad highway has six traffic lanes.那条宽阔的公路有六线车道。One of the vehicles in the accident still lay on its side, blocking all four traffic lanes.事故中的一辆车仍横倒在地上,堵住了所有四条车道。He drives so fast along those narrow country lanes.在那些狭窄的乡间小路上他把车开得飞快。We drove down winding country lanes on the journey to York.我们驾车沿着蜿蜒的乡间小路驶向约克。Drivers on the inbound lanes slowed to a crawl.司机在入站的车道上放慢车速缓缓蜗行。Three lanes of traffic all merge at this point.三条车道在此汇合。Cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes.汽车不得驶入自行车道。The little town rayed out into leafy lanes.小镇镇区向四面花木扶疏的小街延展。We came by cutting through the lanes.我们是穿过小巷抄近路来的。The southbound lanes are closed.南行车道被封闭了。On Sunday evenings young people stroll two by two along the lanes.每到星期天傍晚,年轻人成双成对地在乡村小道上散步。Pack a picnic and explore the surrounding quiet lanes.带上野餐时吃的东西,探一探周边静谧的小路。It was a small town of dust lanes and wide shade trees.这个小镇道路上满是尘土,遮阳树稀稀拉拉。The two lanes merge going into the tunnel.两条车道会合后引入隧道。We rode our bicycles along pretty country lanes.我们沿着美丽的乡间小路骑车前进。The old motorway to Glasgow only had two lanes.去格拉斯哥的旧高速公路只有两条车道。We switched lanes and accelerated towards the junction.我们转换车道,加速驶向交叉路口。In the United States lanes are reserved for cars with more than one occupant.在美国,多人乘坐的汽车有专行道。Be careful when changing lanes in fast-moving traffic.车流快的时候变车道要小心。When driving on the highway, you need to make sure no one is in your blind spot before changing lanes.在公路上驾驶时,你必须先确保视线盲区里没人,然后再变换车道。Lighting is poor in the back lanes of the old town.老城偏僻的小巷里灯光昏暗。The southbound lanes are closed to traffic.南行车道实行交通封闭。Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea lanes.在世界商业航线上,海盗抢劫仍然十分猖獗。People dump rubbish in the lanes, and the council is slow to clean it up.人们把垃圾胡乱倒在小巷里,政务委员会慢吞吞地来清理。John drove homeward through the lanes.约翰驱车穿过小巷向家驶去。Three lanes of traffic merge into one.三条车道汇聚成了一条。Up ahead the road was narrowing from three lanes to two.前面的路渐渐变窄,由三车道变成了两车道。The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world.撞船事故发生在全世界最繁忙的航线上。Diego Garcia gives the U. S. A. strategic position astride major sea lanes.迪戈加西亚岛使美国获得一种控制海上主要航道的战略地位。The truck's driver kept changing lanes.卡车司机不断变换车道。The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world.撞船事故发生在全世界最繁忙的航道上。I hate changing lanes when the traffic is heavy.我讨厌交通拥挤时变换车道。He flashed his headlights and changed lanes whenever a gap opened up.只要前面出现一点儿空隙他就会亮起前灯换车道超车。The driver cut across three lanes of traffic to get to his exit and nearly caused an accident.司机突然转向,穿过三条车道赶到出口,差点造成事故。The northbound lanes are closed.往北的车道已关闭。He changed lanes to make a left turn.他变换车道以便左转弯。They went bowling at an alley with warped lanes and chipped balls.他们去一个球道翘曲变形、球破损不堪的保龄球馆打保龄球。We cycled for miles along winding country lanes.我们沿着蜿蜒的乡间小路骑车走了几英里。Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes.驶来的车辆会分流到两条车道。




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