例句 |
His car went into a lamppost in the high street.他的车子撞上了大街的路灯柱。Every lamppost was adorned with flags.每个灯柱都挂着旗帜作装饰。The dog was smelling the lamppost.狗不停地嗅着那根路灯柱。His car went out of control, jumped a curb and struck a lamppost.他的汽车失去控制,跃过路缘,撞上路灯柱。She banged into a lamppost.她撞到了灯柱上。The bike was chained to a lamppost.自行车给用链条拴在路灯柱上。The car had gone into a lamppost.汽车撞到了一个灯柱上。The car smashed into a lamppost.汽车猛撞在路灯柱上。I wasn't looking where I was going and walked smack into a lamppost.我没有看路,直愣愣地撞到了灯柱上。He wrapped his car around a lamppost.他把汽车撞到了路灯柱上。 |