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词汇 laced
例句 He sat on the steps, and laced up his boots.他坐在台阶上系紧靴子。They laced their cigarettes with the drug.他们把麻醉剂加入香烟,这样吸起来劲儿更大。His uniform is laced with gold.他的制服上镶有金色饰带。The killer gave her victims food laced with poison.杀手把掺了毒药的食物给了她要杀的人。They laced her into a dress which was so tight she could hardly breathe.他们给她穿上一件束得很紧的衣服,弄得她连呼吸都感到困难。Iris's voice was heavily laced with irony.艾丽丝的话音中嘲讽的味道很浓。Thunder boomed and rolled across a purple sky laced with broad strokes of lightning.雷声滚滚,一道道粗壮的闪电划过紫色的天空。These shoes are laced up the side.这些鞋子是在旁边穿带子的。The boxer laced into his opponent.拳击手猛击对手。The joke shocked her strait-laced parents.这个笑话让她古板的父母惊呆了。She laced his food with sleeping pills.她在他的食物中掺入了安眠药。It's made of cotton laced with polyester fibres.它用棉和聚酯纤维混纺而成。The canvas was laced to a steel frame.帆布由绳子系在钢架上。The foreman violently laced into Jack.工头狠狠地抽打杰克。The pair could use the jazziest, hippest slang and irony-laced patter.这对搭档能说出最时髦、最嘻哈的俚语和充满讽刺的行话。Their discussions are often laced with jargon that I can't understand.他们的讨论常常夹杂着我听不懂的行话。She had laced his drink with poison.她在他的饮料中掺了毒药。He gently laced his fingers between mine.他轻柔地把自己的手指和我的扣在一起。The iced tea was laced with vodka.冰茶里加了少量伏特加酒。She laced her coffee with brandy.她在咖啡里加了少量白兰地。Many reviewers laced into the play.许多评论家抨击这个剧本。If my boots aren't laced up tight they chafe.我的靴子不系紧就会磨脚。Reviewers laced into the new movie.评论家们猛烈抨击那部新影片。The teacher laced into his students for not studying.教师狠狠地批评学生们不用功。A feeling of despondent resignation laced the air.到处都是一种灰心丧气和无可奈何的情绪。The islands are laced together by a series of bridges.各岛屿之间有一系列桥梁连接。She laced the coffee with brandy.她在咖啡里加了白兰地。He bent and laced up his shoes.他弯腰系好了鞋带。He was criticised for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded.他被指无趣乏味,古板守旧,心胸狭窄。The villain laced our food with poison.那个坏蛋在我们的食物里下了毒。Hannah laced her fingers together.汉娜十指相扣。The Ancient Greeks laced their sandals with thongs.古希腊人用皮条系鞋。Someone had laced the punch with brandy.有人在宾治酒中掺入了白兰地。The officer's uniform was laced with gold.这军官的制服上镶有金色饰带。The pills had been laced with poison.那些药丸被掺了毒药。Local residents laced their farms with irrigation canals and ditches.当地居民在农场里设了灌溉沟渠网。Her reports were often laced with witty humor.她的报告常带着几分风趣幽默。He was laced in the first round.他在第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了。




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