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Meg was in labour for ten hours.梅格分娩了十小时。They would benefit by reducing their labour costs.他们将得益于劳动力成本的降低。She went into labour after a fall.她摔了一跤就分娩了。You will eventually reap the benefit of your labour.你终将收获自己的劳动成果。It's just slave labour.这是纯粹的苦工。They must get labour costs and productivity back in balance.他们必须恢复人工成本和生产率之间的平衡。They were cheap labour.他们是廉价劳动力。Large-scale growth in this type of farming is limited by the climate and the high cost of labour.这种农业的大规模发展受到气候和劳动力成本高的制约。Everyone should receive a fair price for the product of his labour.每个人都应该按劳所得。I won't labour you with the details.我将不详述细节以免使你厌烦。The baby was born after a long labour.这个婴儿经过很长时间的分娩才出生。The new invention has dispensed with much labour.这一新发明节省了大量劳动力。We are urging shops not to carry goods made with child labour.我们要求商店不要出售童工生产的商品。The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.劳工运动遭到女权主义者的猛烈抨击,指责其存在性别歧视,并要求作出改善。I had rather undertake some purposeful labour than stay idle.我宁可做些有意义的劳动也不愿闲着。More women were entering the labour market.更多的女性正在进入劳动力市场。In Siberia labour is at a premium.西伯利亚劳动力奇缺。As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.由于农村工厂遣散劳动力,人们便向城市涌去。We intend to name and shame companies which use child labour.我们打算曝光那些雇用童工的公司。The labour unrest which swept the country last week has quietened down.上周席卷全国的劳工暴动已经平息了。I think we have reached an agreement which not only profits management but also labour.我想我们达成的协议对劳资双方都有利。The application of martial law emasculated the labour movement.戒严令的实施使工人运动不能有力开展。The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.圣诞节之后,劳动力市场的衰退通常会加剧一月份的失业状况。There is a shortage of labour relative to the demand for it.与需求相比,劳动力不足。These unscrupulous employers treat children as a cheap source of labour.这些不择手段的雇主把孩子当作廉价劳力的来源。A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive.很多耕作方式因其劳动过于密集而被淘汰。The kitchen is fitted with various labour-saving gadgets.这厨房有种种节省劳力的装置。We have to balance good labour relations against the need to cut costs.我们必须实现改善劳资关系和降低成本之间的平衡。The pyramids were mostly built by slave labour.金字塔主要是由奴隶们建造的。Management and labour are dickering over pay, benefits, and working conditions.劳资双方正就薪水、福利和工作条件进行协商。There is an increasing injection into the labour force of women.有越来越多的妇女投入劳动大军。OK, OK, I get the idea – there's no need to labour the point!好啦,好啦,我明白这意思了,没必要一说再说啦!We must put a stop to unsafe labour practices.我们必须制止不安全的劳动作业。Management referred the labour dispute to the arbitration board.资方将劳资争议提交仲裁委员会处理。As unemployment rises, the pool of cheap labour increases.随着失业的上升,廉价劳动力的数量也在增加。How much will it be if we subtract the labour costs?减去劳工成本后我们还剩多少钱?Marx defined the working class as people who sell their labour to employers.马克思把工人阶级定义为把劳动出卖给雇主的人。A system of forced labour was used on the cocoa plantations.可可种植园中曾实行强迫劳役制。More women are being encouraged into the labour market these days.当今鼓励更多的女性进入劳动力市场。Women in China are no longer restricted to domestic labour now.现在,中国妇女不再被束缚于家务劳动了。 |