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词汇 Labour
例句 She always votes Labour.她一直都投工党的票。Everybody who was anybody in Labour politics turned up.工党政治生活中的头面人物个个都到场了。The millionaire turncoat is beneath contempt for jumping from the Tories to Labour.从保守党变节到工党的那个富翁叛徒极为可鄙。I know my opinion is shared by many of my comrades in the Labour movement.我知道许多参加工人运动的同志都和我有相同的观点。He says Labour would govern with common sense and common decency.他表示,工党将以常识和常礼来治国。The industrial cities are the Labour Party's traditional power base.工业城市是工党传统的权力基础所在。That was the year he broke with the Labour Party.那是他离开工党的一年。Yet another successful Labour woman took her seat.又有一位成功的工党女代表就任议员。Labour quickly moved a closure motion to end the debate.工党很快提出终止辩论的动议。This kind of remark is guaranteed to light the blue touch paper with some Labour politicians.这样的言论肯定会激起某些工党政客的怒火。The election is now a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives.现在,大选成了工党和保守党之间的直接交锋。It seems that in this campaign the Labour candidate has left the opposition standing.这次竞选活动中,工党候选人看来已遥遥领先于对手。Labour support remained strong and unbroken by the depression.工党的支持率依然很高,并未受到经济萧条的影响。The mines were nationalized by the Labour Party.这些煤矿被工党收归国有。The campaign has tried to project a view of Labour as the party that cares.该运动试图给人一种工党是忧国忧民的政党的印象。The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democrat Party.工党已右倾化了,变得像你们民主党。There was jeering from the Labour benches.工党的议员席上有人发出嘲笑声。From now on Labour will be on the back foot on the subject of welfare.今后工党在福利问题上将处于下风。Labour hinted it would like to resume the broken dialogue with management.劳方暗示愿意与资方恢复已经中断的对话。There were cheers from the Labour benches.工党议员席上响起了欢呼声。There was a clear conflict of interest here between the Labour Party's financial interest and the Labour Government's duty to take decisions in the public interest.在这一点上,工党的经济利益和工党政府为公众利益决策的职责之间有明显的利害冲突。Labour are still out in front in the opinion polls.工党在民意测验中仍然遥遥领先。Roughly four-fifths of Sun readers believed the paper was biased against the Labour party.大约五分之四的《太阳报》读者认为该报对工党有偏见。The constituency I live in is a safe Labour seat.我居住的选区是工党的稳得席位。As it transpired, the Labour government did not dare go against the pressures exerted by the City.后来人们得知,工党政府不敢与伦敦金融界施加的压力相对抗。They all vote Labour.他们都投工党的票。The Labour candidate unexpectedly overturned the long-standing Tory majority.工党候选人出乎意料地击败了长期以来占多数议席的保守党。But before the discussion proceeded any further the Labour record would have to be kept straight.不过,趁讨论还未进一步深入开展,得先把工党的真实立场说个明白。The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.联合和平协会和这个有组织的劳工运动只有微弱的联系。Tony Blair claimed that New Labour is the Third Way between capitalism and socialism.托尼‧布莱尔声称新工党奉行的是资本主义与社会主义之间的第三种理念。He said a vote for Labour would be a vote for economic suicide.他说投工党的票等于是自毁经济。He saved a Labour party which, lest we forget, came close to extinction.大家别忘了,他拯救了濒临灭亡的工党。Labour is bought and sold like any other commodity.劳动力像其他商品一样买卖。He believes that, historically, Labour has been most successful as the party that helped people get on in life.他相信一直以来工党在帮助人民改善生活方面表现最为出色。The Labour government has to date resisted all supplications.到目前为止工党政府回绝了所有的请愿求情。Labour-saving devices make life much easier.节省劳力的设备使生活更加安逸。Voters have come back to a renascent Labour Party.选民又回来支持东山再起的工党了。Labour scraped in by a small majority.工党以微弱的优势勉强当选。Labour are banging the drum for a united Europe.工党正极力鼓吹建立一个统一的欧洲。Wilkins spoke on behalf of the Labour Party.威尔金斯代表工党发言。




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