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例句 The audience rose as one man to applaud the singers.观众全体起立向歌手们鼓掌。Ask your teacher to act as one of your references.请你的老师做你的推荐人之一。They rose as one and cheered her.他们同时起立向她欢呼致意。The eradication of smallpox ranks as one of the great triumphs of public health.天花的根除是公共卫生事业的一次重大胜利。A helicopter hovered overhead as one of the gang made a run for it.当其中一个匪徒逃跑的时候,一架直升机在空中盘旋。He wants to be accepted as one of the boys.他想和他们成为哥们儿。The town's Dolphin Centre had gained a reputation as one of the best leisure complexes in the country.镇上的海豚中心赢得了全国最佳综合休闲场所的声誉。Today's match ranks as one of the most exciting games that these two have ever played.今天的比赛是这两支球队打得最精彩的比赛之一。The male population of the class rushed as one to her assistance.班上的男学生一窝蜂地赶去帮助她。The city is being billed as one of the best places to live in the state.这座城市被宣传为州内最适宜居住的地方之一。As few as one in five of them can read.五人中只有一人识字。It is known as one of the country's leading ecological groups.这个团体被认为是该国主要的环保团体之一。She was reckoned to be among the group's leaders. = She was reckoned as one of the group's leaders.她被视作团队的领导之一。One tends to become reminiscent as one grows old.一个人渐入老境就会动辄怀旧。He is perceived as one of the best players in baseball.他是公认的最好的棒球选手之一。This city ranks alongside London as one of the great tourist attractions of the world.这个城市与伦敦并列为世界最著名旅游胜地之一。His whole frame quivered with anguish as one kick followed another.他被踢了一脚又一脚,全身因剧痛而颤抖。The final cost could be as much as one billion dollars.最后的费用可能高达十亿美元。They rose as one man and shouted their congratulations.他们全体起立,欢呼祝贺。Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models since her marriage.丝凯作为黄金海岸大红大紫的模特儿,自结婚以后从来就没有错失过任何机会。Before you disregard his advice, keep/bear in mind that he is regarded as one of the leading experts in this field.你先别急着搁置他的建议,要知道他可是公认的该领域的权威专家之一。The award confirmed her status as one of the great movie actresses.这一奖项奠定了她作为杰出的女影星之一的地位。When he dies he will take his place alongside Shakespeare and Dickens as one of the truly great writers of his time.他死后会成为他那个时代真正的伟大作家之一,与莎士比亚和狄更斯齐名。He is seen as one of the best players in baseball.他被认为是最优秀的棒球手之一。It will go down as one of the highlights of my career.这将成为我事业的一个巅峰。She's always been known as one of Hollywood's best/toughest interviews.她一向被公认为好莱坞最好/最难对付的受访者之一。She was widely regarded as one of the most able members of the president's staff.她被普遍认为是总统最能干的参谋人员之一。She's been hailed as one of the best young dancers today.她被誉为当今最有前途的年轻舞蹈家之一。The restaurant was recently selected as one of the best in the area.这家餐馆最近当选为本地区最佳餐馆之一。The procedure is recommended by as few as one out of five doctors.只有五分之一的医生推荐这种手术。The hurricane will take its place in history as one of this country's worst natural disasters.此次飓风将成为这个国家历史上最严重的自然灾害之一。The car rates as one of the best on the market. 这款车是市场上最好的汽车之一。When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one of the ten most innovative products of the year.电动汽车刚刚推出的时候,被形容为当年最创新的十大产品之一。He regarded music as one of life's necessities.他把音乐视作生活中必不可少的东西之一。That rates as one of the best meals I've ever had.那可以说是我吃过的最好吃的一顿饭之一。They were as one man against the decision.他们一致反对这个决定。She is widely/generally acknowledged as one of the world's best chefs. 她被公认为世界上最优秀的厨师之一。Lesions are more common in internal organs but may rarely be seen as one or more cutaneous ulcers.机能障碍一般多见于内部器官,但偶尔也会以一处或多处皮肤溃烂的情况反映出来。I see a coordinating role as one of the biggest responsibilities for WHO.我把协调作用视作为世卫组织最重大的责任之一。We all support the peace process – we are as one on this.我们全都支持和平进程,这一点我们很一致。




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