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词汇 knowledge
例句 It is common knowledge that swimming is one of the best forms of exercise.大家都知道游泳是最好的锻炼方式之一。I have a working knowledge of French.我掌握了足以应付工作的法语知识。We only have limited knowledge about the practice of magic in the Middle Ages.我们对中世纪时施用魔法的情况所知有限。I arrived late, safe in the knowledge that no demonstration leaves on time.我很晚才到,因为我确信没有示威游行队伍能按时出发。It affords a striking commentary on the limitations of our present knowledge.这一点明显地揭示了我们目前知识的局限性。He had a detailed knowledge of the region.他对这个地区了如指掌。No previous knowledge is required for the job.这项工作不要求具备相关知识。I acquired knowledge that stood me in good stead later on.我学到了日后对我有用的知识。Your knowledge of computers can finally be put to use when the office buys a new system next month.公司下个月会购置一套新的电脑系统,你的电脑知识终于可以派上用场了。Living in the country's capital had deepened her knowledge of politics.居住在这个国家的首都加深了她对政治的了解。He did have a real knowledge of the country.他对该国的确知之甚多。It's common knowledge that they live together.他们住在一起,这事儿尽人皆知。She has an intimate knowledge of the Asian market.她充分了解亚洲市场的情况。The course helps school-leavers broaden their knowledge of the world of work.这门课程帮助毕业生对职场增加了解。He has a detailed knowledge of international law.他对国际法有详细的了解。George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world.乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。A little knowledge is dangerous.一知半解很危险。The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.这个小组的研究为增加我们对艾滋病病毒的了解作出了很大的贡献。People can phone in the knowledge that any information they give will be treated confidentially.人们尽可放心地打电话来,他们提供的任何信息都会保密。You do not need any prior knowledge of the subject.你毋需事先具备该方面的知识。It's common knowledge here in Miami that this whole operation was paid for with cocaine money.在迈阿密这里的人都知道整个活动都是以可卡因赚来的钱支付的。To the best of my knowledge, no similar book has been published.据我所知,没有出版过类似的书。As a teacher, she drew on her knowledge of her own children.身为教师,她借用了从自己孩子身上得来的知识。Self-examination may lead us to a knowledge of ourselves.自我反省可使我们有自知之明。Our new chef worked in Paris for many years, so he has first- hand knowledge of French cooking.我们的新主厨在巴黎工作过许多年,所以他具备法式烹饪的第一手知识。The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.智者之口传播知识。He possessed a vast store of knowledge.他的知识量很大。He had an encyclopaedic knowledge of drugs.他在药品方面学识广博。No prior knowledge should be required.不需要预先学得什么知识。Alec never carried a gun to my knowledge.据我所知,亚历克从来不带枪。He has a thirst for knowledge.他渴望得到知识。That kind of knowledge is acquired, not inborn.那种知识是后天习得的,并非天生就会。The course required no prior knowledge of Spanish.这门课不要求先前学过西班牙语。You can let your kids play here, safe in the knowledge that they won't get sunburn.你可以放心让你的孩子在这里玩,确信他们不会晒伤。They had a superficial knowledge/understanding of the topic.他们对这个题目只有肤浅的认识/理解。His knowledge of the subject is unsurpassed.他对这一学科的认识是他人无法企及的。She had a huge fund of knowledge, skill, and experience.她有极其丰富的知识、技能和经验。As medical knowledge evolves, beliefs change.随着医学知识的逐步发展,观念也在发生变化。I do not care a jot if my doctor is working-class or middle-class, but I do care if he has a shaky knowledge of medicine.我的医生是工人阶级还是中产阶级,我一点都不在乎,但他的医学知识是否可靠,我可是在乎的。He has been there several times to my knowledge.据我所知他已经去过那里好几次。




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