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词汇 knock out
例句 Henri Leconte has been knocked out in the quarter-finals of the Geneva Open.亨利·勒孔特在日内瓦公开赛四分之一决赛中被淘汰。He knocked out his opponent only five minutes into the fight.拳赛开始才五分钟他就击倒了对手。Billy sighed and knocked out his pipe.比利一边叹着气一边敲着烟斗。We were all really knocked out by the film.我们对这部电影留下了深刻的印象。They are seeking a first-strike capability that would knock out the enemy's nuclear force in a surprise attack.他们谋求能在突然袭击中一举摧毁敌方核力量的第一次打击能力。Two of his front teeth had been knocked out.他有两颗门牙被打落了。A storm has made roads treacherous and knocked out power.一场暴风雨致使公路隐患重重且电力瘫痪。The ball hit him in the mouth and knocked out one of his teeth.球击中他的嘴,打掉了他的一颗牙。He was knocked out by doped wine.他被搀有蒙汗药的酒麻翻了。Telephone communications had been knocked out.电话联系已被切断。Our team was knocked out in the second run.我们的队在第二轮比赛中被淘汰。Most of the fight had been knocked out of her.她的斗志已经被消磨将尽。Some of its inward parts were knocked out.里面的一些零件被敲了出来。They knocked out the watchman.他们将巡夜者打晕了。Murray was knocked out in the second round.穆雷在第二轮被淘汰出局。They were knocked out in the third round.他们在第三轮遭到淘汰。He was knocked out by a powerful blow to the head.他的头部遭到重击,不省人事了。The surge in the power supply knocked out all the computers.供电电流的冲击毁坏了所有的电脑。He was knocked out in the third round.他在第三回合被击倒。He was knocked out by a hard right to the jaw.他被对手有力的右手拳击中下颌,倒下了。He's not a very accomplished pianist, but he can knock out a tune.他不是一个造诣很深的钢琴家,但他可以胡乱演奏一曲。The storm knocked out electricity across the state.暴雨使得整个州的供电中断。Louis knocked out his opponent in the first round.路易斯在第一回合把对手击昏了。Any creativity I had was soon knocked out of me at school.在学校,我所拥有的任何一点创造力都很快丧失殆尽。He was knocked out in the accident.他在那次事故中被撞昏了。Missiles knocked out the television station.导弹击毁了电视台。The boxer was knocked out and it took the doctor several minutes to bring him to. 拳击手被打昏了,医生花了好几分钟才使他苏醒过来。The groups also play off in a knock out draw with the winners of each of these groups being promoted.这些组也要加打淘汰赛,而各组胜出的队得以晋级。China was knocked out in the second round.中国队在第二轮被淘汰了。The ball had knocked out a couple of his front teeth.球打掉了他的两颗门牙。I've knocked out a first draft of the report that we can amend at a later date.我已粗略写好了报告的第一稿,日后我们可作修改。He did not have possession of the ball before he was knocked out of bounds.他尚未控球就被撞出界了。The air raids were planned to knock out communications on the ground.计划中空袭是为了摧毁地面通讯。The boxer was knocked out in the second round.该拳击手在第二个回合中被淘汰了。He knocked out his opponent in the third round.他在第三回合击倒对手获胜。He had never been knocked out in a professional fight.在职业拳击场上他从未被击倒。She was knocked out of the championship in the third round.她在锦标赛的第三轮被淘汰。He knocked out a tune on the piano.他在钢琴上瞎弹了支曲调。I was knocked out by the exhibition.展览让我感到非常震撼。The earthquake cracked walls and driveways and knocked out electricity and communications.这场地震使墙壁和车道断裂,电力及通讯也中断了。




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