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词汇 knitting
例句 He models cardigans in knitting books.他为编织书当模特儿展示无领开襟毛衣。She keeps her knitting in the closet.她把她编织用的东西都放在壁橱里。I wish Mrs Reese would stick to her knitting.我希望里斯太太能够专心于自己的工作。She had been sitting with her knitting at her fourth-floor window.她当时一直坐在四楼的窗前织东西。She's busy knitting baby clothes.她忙着织婴儿衣服。After she hung up the phone, she went back to her knitting.她挂了电话,继续编织。Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles.她母亲数了数编织针上的针数。Her knitting technique is more sophisticated than mine.她的编织技术比我强。Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting.索菲娅跳起身来,扔下正在织的毛衣。The baby unraveled its mother's knitting.那婴儿将母亲的编织物拆散了。She's knitting her father a sweater.她在为父亲织毛线衣。She stuck her knitting needles into a ball of wool.她把毛衣针插进一团毛线球里。She laid aside her knitting to rest her eyes for a moment.她把编织活放在一边,休息一下眼睛。The wool got fankleed and stopped me from knitting.毛线缠住了,我停下了手中的针织活。She was knitting, with the television on.她正在织毛线,电视机开着。My husband bought me a knitting machine for Christmas but I still haven't figured out how it works.圣诞节时丈夫给我买了台编织机,可我现在还没弄明白它怎么用。She's knitting her husband a sweater.她在给她丈夫织一件套衫。He decided to try his hand at knitting and discovered he was good at it.他决定尝试一下编织,结果发现自己很擅长。Her hobbies include knitting and needlepoint.她的爱好包括编织和刺绣。What ply do you need for that knitting pattern?那个编结样式需要用几股毛线?After knitting another row she realized she had dropped a stitch. 又织完一行后她发现漏了一针。Her hobbies include writing poems, reading novels, knitting and cooking.她的爱好包括写诗、读小说、针织和烹饪。She learned sewing, knitting and embroidery.她学了缝纫、编织和刺绣。Take up a relaxing hobby, such as knitting.培养一种能放松身心的爱好,比如编织。I finished knitting the last row and tied off the yarn.我织完了最后一行,然后把纱线打了个结。Purl and plain are the two main stitches in knitting.反针和平针是编织中的两种主要织法。Her hobbies include knitting and macramé.她的爱好包括织毛衣和编结工艺。She was knitting with deft fingers.她用灵巧的手指编结著。She enjoys music, reading, and knitting.她喜欢音乐、阅读和编织。The little girl tangled the yarn her mother was knitting.小女孩把她妈妈在编结的毛线弄得纠结在一起了。I have already started knitting baby clothes.我已经开始给宝宝织衣服了。He once seized my knitting, flinging it across the room.有一次他抓过我织的东西,把它扔到了屋子的另一头。Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.织布和编织都是传统的家庭手工业。Her hobbies include knitting and quilting.她的爱好有编织和缝被子。Don't tangle my wool when I'm knitting.我正在编结,你可别把我的毛线弄得纠结在一起。She sat at the back of the room, doing her knitting.她坐在房间后部织东西。She sat doing her knitting while she watched television.她坐着一边看电视一边编织。She takes her knitting with her everywhere.她去哪儿都随身带着编织活计。I always take my knitting when I travel.我旅行时总是把自己正在织的东西带上。She enjoys reading, knitting, and other quiet pursuits.她喜欢读书、织毛衣以及其他一些安静的消遣活动。




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