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词汇 knitted
例句 His broken bone knitted quickly.他的断骨很快就愈合了。She runs her own business, making and selling hand-knitted clothes.她自己做老板,制作及销售手工编织的衣服。They would be like Jake and Kay, knitted together without the need for marriage.他们会像杰克和凯一样,相守在一起而不需要结婚。The old lady sat in her doorway and knitted.老妇人坐在她的大门口织东西。She pushed up the sleeves of her grey knitted cardigan and got to work.她撸起身上灰色开襟毛衣的衣袖开始工作。They knitted up the debate briefly.他们匆匆结束了辩论。She was wearing a knitted pullover.她穿着一件针织套头毛衣。The cotton and wool were knitted into gloves, caps, jackets, socks and skirts.棉花和羊毛被织成了手套、帽子、夹克、袜子和裙子。Helen chose the gentlest blues and greens and knitted them up into a soft scarf.海伦选择最温和的蓝色和绿色,并把他们织成了一条柔软的围巾。The sweater that my mum knitted ended up twice the size it should have been.我妈织的那件毛衣结果比本该织的尺寸大了一倍。He knitted his brow in concentration.他紧锁双眉,神情专注。She wore a heavy knitted garment.她穿着一件很厚实的针织衫。He knitted his brows in concentration.他眉头紧锁,全神贯注。The shawl was knitted with beautiful neat stitches.这条围巾编织得非常漂亮齐整。The sweater was knitted in three-ply.这件毛衣是用三股头毛线编结的。His body knitted together with extraordinary speed.他的身体以超常的速度痊愈了。Her new knitted dress had stretched.她那崭新的针织衫已经撑大了。The bone hasn't knitted together properly.骨头愈合得不好。She was wearing a stripy knitted top.她穿着一件条纹针织上衣。They knitted their brows and started to grumble.他们皱着眉头开始抱怨起来。My mother's knitted me a nice warm sweater.我母亲给我织了一件很保暖的毛衣。My aunt knitted me a blue and white striped sweater for Christmas.姨妈织了一件蓝白条子相间的毛线衫送给我作圣诞礼物。The wool is knitted up by village women in Nepal.这件毛织品是由尼泊尔的乡村妇女编织的。He knitted his brows in deep thought.他紧锁双眉陷入沉思。She knit a sweater for me. = She knit/knitted me a sweater.她为我织了件毛衣。I had to unravel one of the sleeves because I realized I'd knitted it too small.我不得不拆掉一只袖子,因为我发现它织得太小了。




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