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Tonight's knife-edge vote could be uncomfortably close.今晚投票的结果很难预料,双方实力可能会很接近,这令人紧张不安。The success or failure of the plan was balanced on a knife-edge.计划的成败尚未定局。The election results hung on a knife-edge.选举结果还很难预料。Living with him, she is constantly on a knife-edge.和他生活使她一直处于焦虑之中。The path was a knife-edge on the side of a steep hill.这是陡峭山坡上的一条狭窄小路。We had to climb over a knife-edge mountain ridge.我们不得不翻越一道陡峭的山脊。He crossed his legs, setting his knife-edge crease to rights.他交叉起双腿,把刀刃般笔直的裤子折缝弄直。The team's future was on a knife-edge last night.昨晚,该球队前途未卜。The game is poised on a knife-edge. One mistake or one piece of good luck could decide it.比赛形势扑朔迷离。一个失误或是一点运气就有可能决定胜负。 |